|Chapter 21|Reading Relizations Pt. 1

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Cole picked up the fork and slid it through the cake. He took a bite of the Red Velvet Cake. Cole's eyes lit up. A smile appeared on the Master of Earth.

"Well Zane, I think you have a challenge to face," Cole chuckled taking another bite of the slice of cake. 

Zane hummed, "Is it that good?" He questioned. Cole only nodded, mouth full.

Once Cole had sat the fork down Zane picked it up, taking a slice of the red velvet cake himself. He had got to say, it was good. "How is it?" Cole asked Zane himself. 

"I think it's wonderful," Zane replied.

The bakery was fairly crowded. Not only did they have baked goods, but they also made bread and buns for everyday use. Zane had noticed that most people had come in for a freshly baked loaf of bread. Even though crowded, it was fairly quiet. Unlike it should be with the number of people. 

Zane looked back to their table and notices Cole had taken the last bite of cake. 

"I wonder what else there is to do in the kingdom," Cole wondered after he swallowed the final slice of cake. 

"We haven't spent much time in the garden. I thought it would be a nice place to read," Zane mentioned. Cole nodded quickly. "That sounds like a great idea! I wonder if they have a library here," He mumbled, which seemed more to himself than the Master of Ice.

Liv walked back towards the table, "How was the Cake, Cole?" She the cashier wondered. 

"It was really good. Not sure if it's better than Zane's though," Cole stated which a smile appeared on Liv's face. A light giggle came out of her. "Well, we will have to get Zane to cook me one sometime. See if it is as good as you say, my prince." Cole nodded himself.

Liv picked up the discarded plate and fork. "I'll take my leave now. It was such an honor to meet you, Cole," Liv stated walking back towards the cash register. 

Zane stood up. "Should we get going, prince?" The Master of Ice says a smirk appearing. Cole laughed, "Sure, Frosty." 

Just then the two took their leave. The bakery has long gone behind them as if forgotten. All Cole had thoughts about was a book store. Cole had gone through every aisle of books in the Ninjago Public Library. Half of which he wasn't interested in, others weren't what he was looking for.

Just then did Zane stop causing the Master of Earth to bump into him. "Sorry," Cole started shaking his head with a slight smile.

Cole looked up at the sign in front of him. All he saw was Library and he was in. Zane shook his head with a hearty chuckle following the Master of Earth into the world of books.


"Don't you think this is a little too much?" Zane wondered holding three different books in his hand. Cole looks down from this perch on a ladder. "Is it?" Cole wondered. Zane only nodded, "We only have till tomorrow to finish the books before we have to return them." 

Cole chuckled, "I guess you're right. Maybe I was going a bit overboard." He smiled rubbing his neck keeping a tight grasp on the wooden ladder. Cole jumped down from his perch with a slight grunt. 

"Can't I abuse my power or something and take the books? I am prince after all," Cole smiled as the two walked towards the front. "I don't think that is a good idea, Cole," Zane frowned. "Fine, fine. Next time," Cole joked. Zane smiled, "Very well." 

Just then they were walking out with the rented books. Now it was time to book it towards the castle. "Could we take the dragons? I don't wanna walk all the way to the garden," Cole wined. Zane once again shook his head in denial, "There are people around, it would disturb others. As well as it is very populated and unwise." 

"What do you mean? You did the same trying to give out flyers for Wu's tea shop awhile back," Cole argued back. Zane shrugged, "That is true." The two continued to walk. Every step seemed to appear further away. 

"Fuck this," Cole mumbled. He wanted to read as fast as possible. Even if going past Zane's warnings. 

Cole waited for Zane to walk in front of him. He put his hands together and formed his elemental dragon. He appeared up top the dragon. He heard the gasps of people around and some 'oohs'. Along with Zane.

Zane walked towards Cole's side with his arms crossed. All Cole did was shrug and chuckle. Cole lent Zane a hand, pulling the Master of Ice up on the back of the Elemental Dragon behind himself.

"To the garden?" Cole questioned. Zane nodded a small smile appearing. Just then the dragon took flight. Brown and green particles were left behind the magical dragon. 

It was much quicker Zane couldn't lie. Honestly despite thinking this was a bad idea, Zane was fairly glad he didn't have to walk up to the castle.

Right before the garden entrance Cole sat his Elemental Dragon down. Zane jumped off seconds before Cole's dragon disappeared.

"Shall we?" Cole questioned at the entrance. Zane let out a laugh, "We shall."

I know, I know. I haven't updated this story for months, but im terribly sorry. I first had writings block, then I had family business to attend to, THEN MY LAPTOP BROKE. I couldn't get a break, thankfully I got a new one and am ready to hopefully update and finish this story as it is coming to an end soon. Mostly for the fact that I am running outta ideas. Anyways thanks for reading!

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