Chapter 18

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Giles began reading at the table in the library thinking of his theories on which demon Jenny hada met. He flipped to a page and started to scan it.

"Giles!" Buffy exclaimed.

"Buffy, what is it?"

"I saw him."



"How?" Giles said rising up concerned.

"Him and Catherine were fighting over a sword. Catherine got stabbed and he looked at back at me then I woke up."

"It definitely sounds like a portent. If Joshua Miller intends on recreating what he did he will need to sacrifice someone."

"Great. Any takers?"

"I believe I know who's working with him."

"And scaring the hell out of us?"

"Yes, quite." Giles said. "I found...."

Upstairs and in Giles office the windows shattered one by one violently.

Everyone became surprised to see the lockers around the school all flew open and closed. The display case shattered collapsing the shelves of trophies. The bell tower exploded into flames. The emergency hoses turned on shooting water down the hall. Michael stood as people were running to reach outside.

"What is going on?" he asked himself looking around.

As he walked down the hall of the auditorium he saw the demon enter and the doors slammed shut behind him. He entered seeing him standing in the middle of the stage.

At the Bronze Devon was busy checking amps. Immediately the strobe lights around the stage and dance floor grew bright and busted. Devon fell back when the speakers blew followed by the amps. The glass around the food area shattered.

At Giles apartment the Orb of Thessulah shattered into pieces across his desk.

Buffy and Giles stood outside the library as Willow and Xander came running down the hall towards them.

"Everything in the gym started bouncing off the walls." Willow said.

"It's him." Buffy said.

She turned to Giles and said, "There has gotta be a way to him."

"If this is your doing stop it now." Michael exclaimed hurriedly running up the stairs.

"Not until you do as I say."

"I said I was going to get it."

A light fell from the rafters in front of Michael.

"I will stop as long as you promise to retrieve it for me, agreed?"

"Yeah, agreed. Just stop!"

Outside everything grew quiet around Buffy, Giles, Xander and Willow.

"Guess he lost interest."

"We'll have to find some kind of binding spell to trap him." Giles said. "Willow?"

"I'm on it." she said. "I'll get Oz to help us."

"Good, do that." Buffy said.

At the end of the day Buffy, Xander and Oz met in the science lab.

"I'm not going to be able stay long before I have to get to the cage." Oz said.

"We understand." Willow said by his side.

"So what we've got?"

"I think that this is something we can manage. It's a pretty standard binding of spirits. Giles had all the ingredients I needed."

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