Chapter 11

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"So you're saying you saw the Master...alive?" Buffy asked Xander, Willow and Cordelia in the library after they arrived at school the next morning. Giles listened intently sitting at the study table next to Michael.

"As alive as us or as undead," Willow said.

"Giles this is insane," Buffy exclaimed. "Not only am I seeing Darla we're seeing the Master too."

"Buffy, try to calm down," Michael interjected sitting beside her.

"Wait a minute, you saw Darla?" Xander said.

"Yeah. She was in the gymnasium."

"But didn't Angel...," Willow asked.

"Angel killed her but somehow she and everyone else are back."

"I don't understand any of this at all," Giles said. "It seems as if some unseen force is attacking us, taunting us."

"What would the reason be that this thing is bothering you all?" Michael questioned.

"We don't know," he replied. "I am going to be taking the grimiore home to research more of the specifics of the ritual but I am also going to start looking into whatever or whoever is also at work here."

Buffy and everyone started to get up to leave.

"Buffy, before you go I would like to speak with you alone."

Xander and Willow left with Michael taking their cue to leave Buffy and Giles to talk privately.

"Okay, what do you need to tell me?"

"Last night at my apartment I had a rather unusual visitor."

"Who was it?"

"It was Jenny."

Buffy's face drew back in astonishment.

"Or it was her sprit at least."

"Are you positive it was her?"

"Quite," he said. "She came to tell of something concerning Catherine."

"What she she say?" Buffy asked concerned.

"She said that Catherine has been linked and trapped with Miller's spirit and the only we to allow her to rest in peace is to prevent Joshua from performing his spell."

"That would explain how she and him appeared together."


Giles walked back into his office pulling a book off of his shelf.

"I think the best thing for you do now is just go to class and I will start researching. Whoever is terrorizing us is likely not to hold off anytime soon."

"I'll try my best to act cool under pressure."

Michael walked towards the vending machines in the lounge area. He stopped midway when the dark clothed man stood in his path surprising him.

"What are you doing here?!" he said in a hushed whisper. The man motioned Michael to the couches where they sat down together.

"Is the grimiore being kept here?"

"Why the sudden interest?"

"Well is it?"

"Yes, the librarian, Mr. Giles has it. He said he was taking it home for study purposes."

"Good. You're doing your job. Asking too many questions could get you killed. Keep playing along and I might left you live."

During lunch instead of eating Buffy went to the mansion to see Angel. She sat on the couch telling him as he sat on the outer stone of the fireplace.

"So that's what happened?" he said.

"It was scary and it was real."

Angel stayed silent for moments hanging his head like he was deep in thought.

"Angel, I know that look by now on your face. That is your something face, what do you know?" Buffy said, looking on him imploringly.

"I had another dream not too long ago about you and me..."

Angel looked back into her eyes solemnly and said, "and Acathla"

Buffy felt her face turn to an expression of equal parts depression and worry.

"I saw everything happen before my eyes. The sword fight, my soul being restored, the vortex opening."

Buffy closed her eyes tightly burying her face into her hands in an attempt to possibly make the memories go away of that day.

"Buffy, look at me," Angel said. "You have to listen."

"No, no."

She quickly got up and started walking towards the front door. Angel jumped up from his seat and quickly stood in front of her. She lowered her head concentrating on the floor. He gently held her cheek lifting her head up looking into her tear filled eyes.

"Hey, tell me what you could've done otherwise. Could you of honestly let everyone die? Willow? Xander? Giles?"

"No, but..."

"Buffy, all of it was of my own doing. I understand now how difficult it was for you, how painful. We all make our own choices. Sometimes those choices don't become what we want but we deal with them and move on."

Behind them the flames from the fireplace grew high and erupted licking flames into the great main room. As they looked at the rising heat a loud echo of laughter filled the room bouncing off of the walls. They both started listening around to search out the speaker.

"Noble words though kind of cynical."

The voice spoke menacing and deep sounding like it came out of nowhere yet it's presence was everywhere.

"So who is behind curtain one?" Buffy asked.

"Let me take a guess. You're the one we have to thank for creating our lovely reunions." she yelled.

"Having fun so far?"

"Why don't you show yourself?" Angel demanded.

"You know I can't do that," the voice said mockingly. "I'm not the least bit down with you all especially you both."

"Then why don't you tell us why you like to find us so important?"

"I don't plan on make it that easy."

Buffy and Angel stood together looking up still somehow searching.

"Buffy and Angel, the romantic tragedy. Well your Watcher was right when he called your relationship poetic."

"Get to your point!!" Angel shouted.

"Now that is the Angel I have come to know," he bellowed. "That's good because if you think that everything your little group of friends has faced was evil enough you have seen nothing. You'll soon find out I promise."

His voice slowly faded on his last words.

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