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"Well, shit... that's... wow..."


"So, if those aliens could do all of that, why are you trust me with all of this information?"

"I just needed someone to talk to and it wouldn't stop once I got started. I have no idea if you are an alien or not."

"Not to be sordid but your dad said that you forgot we were even friends so, if that' the case then the aliens would have nothing on me."

"Or they have everything on you and that's why I forgot about you."

"Maybe, but I'm not an alien and I'm 100% sure that your parents are your parents. That thing you had was a horrible realistic nightmare and you have every right to feel paranoid, but there's got to be a way for you to tell your real parents from the fake ones."

"Well that's kind of the problem, Mars. Anything I would know, they would know because that where they get their information from."

Mars is silent for a moment. "What if you tried the opposite?"

"What do you mean?"

"What about something you never told your parents? If you asked them if they remembered it and they said yes, you'd know they were fakes, but if they don't know then they would be real. You've got at least two things I know of that I know your parents don't know."

"That might work... I don't know..."

"Well, you can't live in fear of them all the time. You need to know for sure who you're dealing with so that when they aliens try to pull that shit again, you don't have to go through the heartache."

"Yeah, I'll try to figure out something... Thanks, Mars."

"For what?"

"For listening... trying to help..."

"Yeah, no problem. Maybe next time I can come by and we can talk in person?"

"Um... yeah... maybe..."

"Hey, if Zylith Amone got to see you then I as your best friend should get to."

"It's a little different. I mean, I don't know Zylith so it wasn't as awkward. I mean, when she decided to tell me she was into my pregnancy, that was weird, but I mean... She's not a friend."

"Look, dude, I honestly don't care if you came back purple, I'm just glad you're home. I mean... it's kind of my fault you got taken."

"Not you too..." I groaned.

"Seriously... That night when you were having your fight with your dad, I'm the one who told you go just go to the store. If I hadn't have suggested it then..."

"I'm pretty sure an off handed suggestion of normal caliber is not the cause of my abduction. Like I told my dad, it's just wrong place and wrong time. No one's at fault but them..."

"Yeah, I guess so... I have to go but maybe I'll see you to bring by your homework or something."


We hung up and I thought about the suggestion Mars had mentioned about my parents. I could work but I could only get away with asking different questions for so long before I ran out of them. And I wouldn't be able to not tell them the answers because some of them were... deep... It would raise concern that I don't really need right now. My stomach rumbled and I put my hand on it. I suddenly was super aware of what I was touching and what was inside of me and I realized that I would never be the same. My body was so distorted that I would never look like I did before. I mean, I wasn't super buff or anything but seriously, the stretch marks and my hips widening... I sighed. Sacrifice... I thought as I remembered the unblameable child within me. It had no say...

The Oddities Of Grand Marquis - Book 1: Galactic Seed 🪼✔Where stories live. Discover now