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I felt sick and put my hand over my stomach as I sat up in the bed. I looked around at the iridescent walls and felt even more sick. I was angry at the fact that I had let these horrible creatures play me like that and I was more than happy to believe them. They took it too far this time. I'm not going to stay on this ship that much longer, I guarantee that. I will get off this ship and go back home somehow, someway. I may not be able to read the symbols lining the halls or anything but I'll trap one of those aliens that knows English and make them tell me how to get home. I didn't ask for this, I didn't want this, and they have no right to keep me here.

My stomach lurched again and I ran to the side wall, where it slid open to reveal a crude bathroom of sorts. I made it just in time to wretch into the equivalent of a toilet bowl. I vomited about two more times before my stomach finally settled down. I leaned against the chrome throne, panting and waiting for my face to relax from stretching open so wide. I finally felt like I could stand and turned around to gargle water and brush my teeth. I turned the water on and just stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like shit. My brown hair was all the way to my shoulders now and was in disarray and my hazel eyes were barely showing that I had light behind them. They were dull and just there, enabling me to see but not vibrant and lively. There were black bags under them from not having proper sleep and they were sunken in just a little. I realized that my face looked pretty gaunt and skeleton-like and wondered how in the world I've been kept alive all this time.

I heard the door slide open and leaned out of the 'bathroom' to see what was going on. I turned my head; there was a person in the room. I finished what I was doing and then walked out, putting my hand to my forehead since a migraine was coming on.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The person jumped and then cleared their throat.

"Human is to come with me."

I frowned. "Fuck you; you can't make me."

The alien-in-disguise seemed to think for a moment, probably trying to translate what I had just said. I wanted to just punch this fake man in the face for having the audacity to even show up like this?

"You are... angry." He said, looking at me for confirmation I suppose.

"You bet your ass I'm angry. I'm beyond angry! I'm irate and pissed off!"

They nodded. "Why?"

I literally was about to lunge at him but when I saw the genuine question in his eyes, I realized that these creatures probably honest to God didn't understand why I was being so obstinate. They probably thought they were doing nothing wrong at all. It didn't change my view of them but it enabled me to answer a little better.

"Where do you want me to start? You plucked me from my home -my planet!- without any explanation and beamed me aboard your ship. You've done nothing but experiment after experiment on me; of what, I have no clue. Then you people have the fucking nerve to use my memories to pose as my parents and make me believe that I was safe and free and loved, all to be an illusion so wrong... Do you think you'd like it if that were to happen to one of your kind? We humans just showed up out of nowhere, stole you, manipulated your feelings, and experimented on you?"

The alien stood there silently, processing and translating in its head. Finally, it looked down at the floor and pulled his- Its. Keep it together, Max, it's just in disguise. It has no human or gender form... -its arms around from the back and folded them across its chest.

"I understand... I would be very angry."

"If you were one of the ones that was supposed to disguise themselves as my parents, why do you act like you can't speak proper English?"

The Oddities Of Grand Marquis - Book 1: Galactic Seed 🪼✔Where stories live. Discover now