Chapter One: Marathon

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-Ashley's POV-

I woke up and yawned, then I heard my phone going off. I quickly grabbed it just incase I was getting a call. First, I looked at the time and saw it was nine a.m on a Saturday, then I looked at what had made my phone go off and noticed my alarm set for nine a.m today. I sighed and opened up the alarm, the alarm said 'Ghost Adventures Marathon!!!!! :D' I gasped and quickly sat up straight on my bed. I then held my head from suddenly feeling dizzy, and when the dizziness went away, I got out of bed and felt a cold breeze. I looked down with my phone in my hand and noticed I'm still in my pjs. My pjs were just my underwear and an oversized batman shirt. I looked back up and put my phone on my table besides my bed, then I walked over to my closet and picked out some somewhat bright blue jeans and a yellow shirt that said 'I'm you, but only better'. I changed and smiled at myself, I love the way I look. Then, I grabbed my phone and my clothes I just took off and walked to the laundry room, I opened the door and gently threw my clothes on the floor. I'll do them later I thought to myself and then I walked into the living room.

I turned on the tv and turned it to the travel channel, Morgan texted me, I didn't get to read her text yet, but I knew she texted me because my phone started playing her texting tone, so when she texted me, that tone went off, and when she called me, a different tone would go off. My phone started playing Boys Boys Boys by Lady Gaga (It's her ringtone for when Morgan texts her) I smiled and shook my hips side to side, while I looked for something to eat. I sighed and stopped shaking my hips and quickly made a few bags of popcorn and got a few cups of soda. I walked into the living room with the few bags of popcorn in my hands and set them down on the coffee table, then I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed like four cups of the soda and then walked back into the living room and set those down on the coffee table, then again, I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the rest of the cups and walked back into the living room and set them on the coffee table and sat down. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text Morgan sent me, I smiled at what her text read. 'I'm sooooo pumped for this marathon!!!!' her text said and pressed the reply button and started replying to her, 'So am I!! :D' I then hit the send button and she never texted me back so I figured she'd be watching the marathon as well. I then smiled when the first episode came on and begin watching it.

-A few hours later-

"I have to pee!!!" I said jogging to the bathroom. I did what I had to do then washed my hands, I walked out of the bathroom and heard Zak's voice, so I jogged back into the living room and dove on the couch and quickly sat up. "Damn commercials, they're so short" I said to myself and picked up a cup of soda. I drank some of it and then put it down and picked up a bag of popcorn and sat criss-cross-applesauce and didn't take my eye's off of the tv screen, I ate popcorn while watching the marathon. 

-After the marathon-

I yawned and grabbed my phone, I looked at the time and saw it was like two in the afternoon. "Jeez!" I said and cleaned everything up and turned the tv off, I put my phone in my pants and grabbed my Ipod and earbuds. Then I walked out of my house and took a walk, during that walk, my phone was buzzing, I put it on vibrate since I won't be able to hear it since I'll have my earbuds in. I took it out of my pocket and looked at it, Morgan texted me and I couldn't help but laugh at what she had said, 'Zak is so hot!!' she said and I replied back to her. 'You would' I typed in and sent it to her, I kept on walking and then felt my phone vibrate again, 'Yes I would' it said and I just put my phone back in my pocket. 

I ended up at the park and I walked over to the swings, only one was opened so I took it and started swinging while listening to music, I smiled when my favorite song Just Dance by Lady Gaga came on, I listened to it and closed my eyes for a moment, then opened them and watched as I swung. I was swinging for about an hour and when I looked at my phone to look at the time, it was about three thirty. I got off the swing and started walking to my house. Once I got there, I unlocked the front door and went in, then I cleaned everything up and put the dishes in the sink, then washed them. "I forgot about that mess" I said to myself and quickly grabbed my laptop to listen to music, I grabbed it and plug in the charger in the wall and in the computer, then turned it on and typed in my password. It logged in and I opened the internet browser, then I typed in and pressed enter. Once YouTube came up, I typed in Love Game by Lady Gaga and clicked on the first video. It came and I turned it up a lot and started to dance. "Let's play a love game. Do you want love or you want fame? Are you in the game?" I sung and then because of my awesome hearing, I heard my phone go off, it was playing Morgans texting tone. I took my phone in my hands and opened the text she sent me, 'Whatcha doing chicka?' it said, I hit the reply button and started to type. 'Nothing, just singing and dancing to Love Game, how about you?' I typed, then sent it. 

-A few hours later (I have no idea what else to write)-

It's now time for bed, so I texted Morgan, 'Goodnight muffin' I typed then sent it to her and smiled setting my phone down on the side table next to my bed. I heard my phone sing Morgans texting tone, but I was too tired to answer. So I just plopped down on my bed and got under the covers, then put my head on my pillow and got comfortable. Then, I feel asleep in seconds.

-The next morning-

I woke up and groaned, tomorrow is school. I sighed and got up out of bed and got some clothes and walked into the bathroom, then I put everything down and took a shower. I did what I had to do and stepped out, and after I was dried off, I put my clothes on. I picked out red jeans with a red shirt that said 'Winning isn't everything, it's just what I do' and I fixed my shirt and smiled down at my clothes. 


Then, I opened the door and walked out, I put my dirty clothes away and grabbed my phone checking the message Morgan sent me last night, the one I was to tierd to look at. I opened the message and looked at the text, 'Goodnight cookie' she sent and I smiled. I shut my phone and put it in my pants pockets and thought about something I could do today, maybe I could go to the mall. I then took my phone out of my pocket and texted Morgan, 'Wanna go to the Mall?' I typed then hit send. A moment later Boys Boys Boys was playing on my phone and I knew it was Morgan, I opened my phone again and looked at the text she sent me, 'Oh my god yes!' she texted and I smiled. 'Come over to my house and we can walk over since it's like a few blocks away from my house' I typed, then I read the message over to see if there was anything I was missing, there wasn't so I hit the send button and a minute later, Morgan texted me back. 'Okay! I'm on my way' she wrote back and I just stuffed my phone back in my pocket. I got my purse, my wallet, my I.D, my money and other things I needed, then I checked to see if my phone is still in my pants pocket, and it is "Good" I said to myself and then walked out of the house. 

Right when I turned around, I saw Morgan there. I held my hand up to my heart and clutched it, looking at her. "What?" she asked, "You scared me!" I said and she started to laugh a little. I smiled and we started walking, "So, you like Zak Bagans?" I asked still looking a head, "Yea! He's so hot! I'd date him if he asked me out" she said and I laughed, she looked at me and gave me a confused face. "What?" she asked, "I love his blue eyes and his hair, but not him" I said and she pointed my eyes out, "But you have the same eye color as him" Morgan said, "Just because I have blue eyes does not mean anything Morgan, there are people out there in the world with the same blue eyes" I said and she sighed. "No sirously!!!! You and him have the same EXACT eye color!!!" she said taking her phone out, she then sent me a text and I looked at it, it wasn't just an oridinary text, it was a picture text. I opened the picture text and looked at the photo she sent me, she sent me Zak's eyes. "Really?" I asked and sighed. "Yea, I mean sirously, look at his eyes" Morgan said and I did, I looked at his eyes closely and noticed that she's right, they are the EXACT same color as mine. 

"What the hell?" I asked myself, Morgan looked at me and asked, "What?" I showed her the photo she sent me and looked at her while we kept walking, "He does have the EXACT same color as me" I said and I could feel a questoning look creep on my face. I then shut my phone and put it in my purse, "I told you" Morgan said and I still was confused, I looked at her and said "But we don't know if it means anyhting, I doubt it does mean anything" and that caused her to shrugg. We then walked into the mall parking lot and we quickly ran up to the little side walk and we started walking again, then we walked into the store. "Oh oh oh! Let's go to Hot Topic!" Morgan said jumping up and down clapping her hands, I smiled at her childness and she just kept jumping and clapping her hands. "Fine" I said and she kind of yelled "Yay!" and we started walking to Hot Topic. 

-After the mall-

"My feet hurt" I whined and Morgan just dragged me out of the Mall. Both of us had about five bags in our hands, "Stop whinning" Morgan said and I stuck my tounge out at her."Noooooooo" I said and then before I knew it, we were at my house. I smiled and slowly walked up to my house because my feet hurt, and before I opened the door, I turned around to face Morgan. "Bye muffin" I said and she smiled and said "Bye" then left. I unlocked the door and walked in, then I put the bags down near the couch and sat on it, I put my feet up and sighed. I sat on the couch for about half an hour, then I heard my phone buzzing, I picked it up and looked at the alarm I had set a few days ago. 'Black Veil Brides goes on Music Awards show' it said and I looked at the time and when they'd be on, 'August twenty-first @ one thirty pm' it said and I smiled, today is only August fifteenth, so I have a few days.

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