Chapter 3: Meeting Aaron, Nick, and Billy in person

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"I'm Ashley" I said and then my dad was right next to me, "C'mon" my dad said as he pulled me in the middle of the living room, Nick sat down and all eyes were on my dad and I. "So I have an announcement to make" my dad said, then Nick, Aaron and Billy looked confused at him. "Ashley daughter" my dad said and when I looked around the room, all the guy's mouths were wide open, except for my dads of course. Nick then stood up, "So her last name is Bagans???" he asked, and my dad and I nodded, then Billy stood up, "So her name is Ashley Bagans?" he asked and we nodded again. Then, Aaron stood up, "Well, then we better get to know her, we're her best friends and uncles anyways" Aaron said, and right after Aaron said that, I looked to my dad and saw him nodding. "Indeed" my dad said and I looked at him confused, I know they're his best friends and all, but I never excepted them to be my uncles.... "So I have three uncles?" I asked confused, they all nodded. "Yep" dad said and I looked around at my uncles, "Shocker?" Nick asked and I nodded, "I knew you three are my dad's best friends, but I never thought you three would be my uncles" I said, and by the tone in my voice, you could tell I was confused, but it was fine, I'm happy I have three awesome uncles! But I never expected this... All of a sudden, I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out of my pocket and looked at it, I got a facebook message from Morgan. I smiled and texted her back, "Who's that? A boy?" Uncle Billy teased, and I blushed a little, "No it's not, it was my best friend Morgan" I said and then it hit me, I totally forgot about Cole! I forgot he gave me his number! "Be right back" I said and ran to my room and got the number, I put his number in my phone and then texted him.

To: Cole

From: Ashley

Hey, sorry! I forgot that you gave me your number, my uncle just reminded me about having your number and texting you

I hit send and then put my phone in my pocket and the piece of paper away where i had it, then I walked back in the living room. "You forgot about the number, didn't you?" dad asked and I blushed and nodded,  "Yea..."I said and my uncles just looked at me confused, "While we were at the hospital, trying to see if I'm really his daughter, a few fans came up to us and started talking to dad. Then a little bit after, a dude came out and he gave me his number" I said and I blushed even more, then I looked over at my uncles and my dad and saw that they were all smiling like idiots. 

"Really?" uncle Aaron asked and I nodded, then felt my phone go off. (Yes, it is on vibrate) so I took my phone and looked at it, it was a text from Cole.

To: Ashley

From: Cole

Really? Haha, it's fine. So what's up?

I smiled and texted him back, but before I could hit the reply button, I felt a warm breath on my neck. I turned my head and saw uncle Billy there, looking at my texts, I just ignored him and replied to Cole.

To: Cole

From: Ashley

Not much, just hanging out with my dad and three uncles, what about you?

I typed it, then sent the message to him. "So, is Cole the dude who gave you his number?" uncle Billy asked from behind me and I nodded. "Yes it is" dad said and I just looked down at the floor, the four of them started laughing and then I felt a hand wrap itself around my shoulders, so I looked up and found my dad. He was the one who put his arm around my shoulders, okay. 

I smiled and then we all sat down and told some jokes an stories. "I remember when Zak hit the wall, then his foot" uncle Billy said and everyone except dad started laughing, dad just had a smile on his face. 

-A few hours later-

Dad, uncle Billy, uncle Aaron, uncle Nick and I are out at the mall. We are in Hot Topic right now ( :P Go figure) and then all of a sudden, I heard someone calling my name, so I looked and then guess what I saw? There, was my uncle Billy, and guess what he was wearing? He was wearing a batman bra and he started going around the store and then when he came up to me, all I did was laugh. Then uncle Billy pouted, then my dad came over. Uncle Billy then took the bra off and put it on my dads head, uncle Billy and I started cracking up laughing so hard, then I for used on why we were in here. I smiled once I saw what I was looking for, it was a shirt with Andy Biersack on it, with a cross behind him. I grabbed it quickly and then went to check out.

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