Everything is Fine

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My throat tightened so much that it felt as though someone were choking the life out of me. I had no idea that Hope would show up on my doorstep. She lived so far away and usually called me a week before she came to visit. This was horrible.

If something happened to her or Jacob because of this mess, I would never forgive myself.  I had to get rid of her before she found out he was here. I whispered in Cora's ear, urging her to keep quiet.

Vincent leaned his head back on the door, letting out a frustrated sigh.  His hand trembled as he gripped the pistol.  He didn't want to hurt Hope, but I knew he would if she interfered with his plans. I walked over to him and touched his arm.

My lips met his ear.  "I'll get rid of her.  Take Cora and Matilda to the back of the house."

He closed his eyes for a moment and savored the feeling of my breath on his skin, then he grabbed the girls and dragged them into Cora's bedroom.

I waited until they were out of sight before opening the front door. The cold air stabbed my skin and I wrapped my arms around myself. Hope had clear mucus running out of her nose, and she had Jacob securely swaddled in a blue baby blanket.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't answer."  She said, her voice shaking from being so cold. 

"I'm sorry.  I was in the restroom."

She looked past me and asked, "Well, are you going to make me stand out in the cold all morning, or are you going to invite me in for some cocoa?"

"I'm sorry." I repeated, using every ounce of my being not to weep. "This isn't really a good time."

"Not a good time?" She sounded more confused than angry. "I drove for over five hours to come and check on you this morning. Please, let us in."

My face became as hot as a furnace.  I didn't know what I should do.  If I left her out in the cold, she was bound to become suspicious.  My only choice was to let her in for a few minutes, then maybe I could talk her into driving back home. 

I plastered on a smile. "I was only kidding. Come on in and I'll make you a cup of coffee."

She stepped into the house and set Jacob down on the carpeted floor in the living room, taking off the pink jacket she was wearing.  "I'm sorry I came over unannounced.  James called me last night and asked me to check on you since he's so far away."

"Oh?" I poured her a cup of coffee and brought it to her in the living room. "What did he tell you?"

"He said that Cora's boyfriend was murdered, and that she was missing. He sounded very worried."

"Yes, sadly, he was murdered." I said, "But Cora is hardly missing. That was an overreaction on my part. She was only hanging out with some friends."

"Where is she now?"

"She's at school."

"She went to school at five thirty in the morning?"

"Her basketball coach wanted them to practice a few drills before school started. She's really strict."

"Shit, no kidding. I would have pissed my pants if someone told me I had to be at school that early."

I forced myself to laugh.  "Well, I really appreciate you driving all this way to check on us.  Maybe next time we can spend a little more time together."

"What do you mean?"  She set down her coffee and folded her arms.  "Chad is still out of the country, so I thought it would be fun to stay for a while."

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