The Game

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Matilda could not believe what was happening to her. Twenty four hours ago, she would have never guessed that her father would murder her mother, then take her away from her home in the dead of night, but that was exactly what he had done.

She was tied up in the backseat of her mother's car, clueless as to where she was being taken.  They had been driving for at least three hours since she had awakened from her chloroform induced slumber, and the streets were becoming more and more isolated with each mile that her father drove.

She wanted to scream at him, tell him how much she hated him for taking her mother away, but the thick cloth tied between her teeth prevented her from doing so. The only thing she could do right now was tremble in fear, wondering if she would be killed next.  Her father assured her that he would not cause her any harm, but she didn't believe him.

What if he was taking her to an isolated place right now to bury her alive?  What if he planned to cut her into tiny pieces so that the police could not identify her body when they found it?

These were the thoughts that consumed her mind, and the more she dwelled on them, the more she squirmed around like a frightened squid.

"Stop moving around so much, Matilda." His voice was as cold as ice. "You're distracting me."

She became still, staring at his eyes through the rear view mirror. They were dark and distant.

Something was obviously weighing heavy on his mind, probably where he would bury her after he strangled her with his bare hands. Matilda's eyes filled with tears at the thought, and she sobbed softly into her gag until she fell back asleep.


When her eyes opened, she looked around to find that she was back in her bedroom. The table where she had tea parties was set with two places, and sitting there was her mother.

"Hello, Matilda." She said, sipping from the plastic cup in her hands.

"Mommy!" Matilda ran to her, throwing her arms around her neck as tears filled her eyes. "I never thought I would see you again!  Are you okay!?"

"I'm just fine, baby."

"B-but, you're dead, mommy."

Her mother smiled warmly.  "Yes, I'm dead.  But you don't have to worry about me. This was my fault to begin with. I should have never brought your father into our lives."

Matilda picked up the other plastic cup and sipped on the tea inside.  "Why did Daddy kill you?"

"Because he's an asshole." 

"Is he going to kill me too?"

Her mother shook her head.  "He has no intention of hurting you, sweetheart.  He loves you."

"But he knocked me out with that funny smelling washcloth, and he has me tied up!"

"Believe it or not, your father thinks this is the best thing he can do for you. He thinks that by keeping you captive, that you'll grow to love him."

Matilda frowned. "Well, that's stupid."

"Yes, but it's also a good thing."

"How so?"

"You can take advantage of his stupidity.  Make him think that you trust him, so his guard will be down."

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