First Impressions

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Matilda was sitting in front of the television when she heard the front door being unlocked.  She had been struggling with guilt the last few days over the fact that she had pretty much abandoned her mission to drive her father insane.  She wanted to avenge her mother and make her proud, but she also longed for a family that would love and care for her for the rest of her life.

Her father was the only person left that could give it to her. Where would she go if he was sent back to the hospital? She had no one else in the world.

That was why she decided to give him a chance, even if he had brutally murdered her mother.

She had no choice.

The door slowly opened, and she leapt off of the sofa to greet her father. "Hello, Daddy! I missed you so-"

The rest of her words faded when she saw her father pull a young girl inside of the apartment with him.  She had long brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and her hands were covered with one of her father's denim work shirts. 

The shirt was removed when the door closed behind them, however, and Matilda scratched her head when she saw that the girl's hands were bound in front of her with rope. "Daddy..." She said, "Who is this girl and why is she tied up?"

Matilda was once told by her mother not to ask too many questions, but she couldn't help but notice that ever since she met her father, someone was always tied up.  Was it normal to tie people up?

"Daddy?" The young girl became as pale as a ghost when she heard it. "You've got to be kidding me."

Her father dragged the girl into the living room with him as he took a seat on the sofa. He sat her on one of his legs and pulled Matilda on to the other. His face lit up as he wrapped his arms around both of them.  "Matilda," He said, "This is your sister, Cora.  She's the one I showed you in the picture the other day. Remember?"

"Yes! I remember!" Matilda beamed, putting her hands on her cheeks.  "I finally have a sister!"

"Son of a bitch..." Cora groaned.

Their father laughed nervously and placed his finger over Cora's lips.  "Now, now...that is certainly no way to greet your baby sister."

"She is not my sister."

Matilda's heart sank.  "You don't like me?"

"I don't even know who you are."

"I'm your sister."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I-"

"That's enough, you two." Their father said, giving them both a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. "Cora is your sister, Matilda, and she will be staying with us from now on."

"Hooray!"  Matilda threw her arms around her new sister's neck, causing her to stiffen.  "We are going to have so much fun together!  I just know it!"

"This cannot be happening." Cora groaned before fixing her eyes on her father. "You do realize that my mom will call the police, don't you? You're going to get caught and sent back to the hospital unless you let me go right fucking now."

"You have a foul mouth." Matilda pouted, "My mom would wash it out with soap if she were here."

"Where is your mom?"

"Well, Daddy-"

"Woah now!" He interrupted, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous grin, "Why don't you tell your sister all about your day at school while I cook up a box of macaroni and cheese."

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