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I never thought that I would take something as mundane as driving a car for granted, but as I listened to the radio and looked out the windshield at the night sky, I realized that there was nothing sweeter than the freedom of the open road.

After rendering Matilda unconscious, I loaded her into Stella's car and started heading to the bar where I would hopefully find the man named Silver.  I was so excited at the prospect of finally starting a new life that I could hardly drive the car straight, but there were quite a few highway patrol officers on the streets and I had to be careful. 

It would be rather awkward to be pulled over with a child tied up in the back seat.  Even my brilliant mind couldn't come up with an explanation for that.

I drove the car into the messy parking lot of a bar called 'Rabid Dogs' and stopped the engine.  There were only three other cars outside, so if Silver was here it would be pretty easy to spot him. 

I looked into the back seat at Matilda, who was lying on the floor, still unconscious.  I reached back and ran my hand over her swear covered face.  "I'll be back in a little while, baby.  Don't go anywhere."

I grabbed the money stuffed envelope and headed towards the bar, grimacing when I pushed open the door and inhaled the terrible aroma of shame and booze.  My eyes landed on a middle aged man who was sitting in the back corner, sipping on a glass of whiskey and smoking a fat cigar. 

That had to be him.  The only other people inside were a young couple that danced to the horrendous country music that played from the jukebox, and the bartender that was sneaking shots of tequila. 

Peanut shells cracked under my feet as I made my way over to the old man, my hand clasping firmly on to the envelope as I sat down across from him.  His face twisted into an annoyed frown and I could see him biting down hard on his cigar.  He was clearly in no mood for pleasantries, so I got right to the point.

"Pardon me, sir.  Is your name Silver?"

"No."  His voice was harsh and raspy.  "I don't know no Silver. Now get the hell away from me, unless you want me to wring your scrawny little neck."

"S-sorry, sir." I stammered, scurrying away from him as quickly as I could.

Everyone looked at me for a moment before going back to their dancing and drinking. I shook my head and took a seat at the bar, heaving a long sigh as I pondered my next move. I thought for certain that grumpy old bastard was Silver, but I should have known that it would not be that simple to find him.

I would probably have to come here every single night until he finally showed up, and the thought of coming back to this human waste dump made me want to throw up.

"What would you like to drink?" The bartender asked me, flashing her pearly white teeth at me. She was young and attractive, not exactly the kind of person I expected to see catering to these lowlifes.

"Give me a scotch and soda." I said, figuring I had time for a drink before Matilda woke up.

"You got it." She poured my drink and handed it to me with a chuckle, pointing her head towards the old man in the back of the bar. "Are you a friend of his?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly."

She laughed again. "Don't worry about him. He gets pissed every time someone interrupts his drinking."

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