chapter 4

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bohdi pov

after talking to nina i started packing i can't stay here with people that don't want me  then my dad walked in

"where are you going" he asked

"i'm leaving "i said

"why"he said

"because you don't want me you said it to my face"i said

"i don't want you because you still think of ian as a father"he said

"well he is my dad and you are to "i said

"we can't both be where are you gonna go"he said

"none of your business "i said

"let me guess with that elena girl"he said

"that girl is my best friend"i said

"leave then"he said

"i am"i said

i left and caught a taxi and went to the airport and caught a flight to atlanta goodbye la and goodridence my life sucked here but hopefully it can get better i miss my true family nina and elena was always there for me she's the reason my life is great in this time of darkness

5 hours later

when i landed i grabbed the stuff i did have and caught a taxi i'm  bought to text nina to let her know i'm on my way

nina pov

from:bohdi- on my way to the house just got off the plane

she is on her way ian me and elena fell asleep on the couch and candice came in and took a picture and sent in to me i had to beg her not to post i on social media it was cute i was laying on ian and elena laying on me it was so cute i got up before they did cause i had to get her room ready it was done i just had to clear out my stuff i just put them in the closet and when i went downstairs they were both up

"hey where were you"elena asked

"just doing a little cleaning "i said

"oh so what are we doing today"ian said

"well i was gonna clean and i was thinking you too would  go out for breakfast"i said trying not to be too nervous or pushy

"ok we won't be gone long "elena said and they grabbed their jackets and ian grabbed his keys

"ok have fun"i said and closed the door

to:bohdi- they left are you almost here

from:bohdi- yeah 5 minutes

after they pulled off bohdi had just pulled up i let her in

"hey you doing alright"i asked and we both sat on the couch

"no my dad litterally told me when i was leaving that he doesn't want me cause i said ian is my dad to"bohdi said

"that is harsh let me show you your room it's two floors the walls are sound proof so play music as loud as you want"i said

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