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They were having a family trip in flordia. Nina and Ian were watching the girls run around and chase eachother playing on the sand and going into the ocean. The beach had been a great idea the girls were having so much fun. Nina was happy to see a smile on both of her girls faces it made her day.

"You did great in court."

She looked over at him she was happy he thought so she had thought that she would have screwed it up."I wanted to slap her."

"But you didn't and thats what counts." He looked over at the girls he was happy to see them having so much fun."They both look happy."

She looked back at them splashing eachother in the ocean."I know i just don't want nothing to ruin how they are. There teenagers and they've both been through to much." She didn't get why anyone would want to do something that could mentally hurt them.

"You kept her away from Paparazzi she didn't have a life in the spotlight." He knew she was always skeptical on her decisions that she had made and he wanted to make sure that she knew he knew why she did it and she had good reasons.

She nodded slowly she knew that it was good that she kept her out of it but sometimes it didn't feel like it. "I know if they would have found out about her i don't even know where i would be now. I didn't like being followed by a camera so i always did my best to sheild her from it. I let her come everywhere with me i couldn't stand to be apart. Certian celebrities knew who she was she has an album under her bed everyone that she has met. I'd have the nanny watch her while i was doing this or this. Because i didn't want them to know i didn't want them to use her to get to me make her name a bad one. The media is a bitch."

"You protected her and thats what matters."

Nina smiled and nodded. She looked over at him."If its any constilation i wanted to tell you but it was to complicated at the time."

"I know were where we are now lets not worry about the past."

"Ok." He was right they didn't need to worry about the past they just needed to worry about the future they can't change the past.

Bodhi and Elena ran over to there parents they were happy for this vacation but they wanted to enjoy it with there parents to.."Come on come swim with us?"

"Mom your used to swimming in the ocean i heard you swam with sharks before."

Nina stood up taking her cover up off." I was facing my biggest fear leave me alone."

"You've done more swimming then we have." Elena countered.

"Every boat trip i went on you were with me and i've done more swimming miss wanted to try shark cage."

"But it was so cool"

Ian stood up and they all went to the water splashing and swimming around now they were a true family.

The End.

Nian's Daughter- NianUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum