chapter 12

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Nina looked at the papers she just got in the mail it was mid afternoon and the girls had went out with there dad for a father daughter day. Nikki had served her papers to try and get Bodhi back and she was highly pissed. First Bodhi is now adopted so she technically legally is Nina's daughter second Bodhi doesn't want to live with Nikki and third who would put there child through this."And she wonders why her daughter doesn't like her now."

Since it was a court order she had to go. As did Bodhi but it said nothing about Ian. Probably because then she'd have to explain the cheating and the lying about who Bodhi's father is. She stood up and went to her room she put them in the dresser drawer this was something they needed to talk about soon because she had to go in a week. But she didn't want to ruin the good mood but she couldn't wait either it would just turn out worse.

Now she needed to get a lawyer involved she contacted a firm that dealt with Child Custody she had just gotten off of hold when they walked in. They automatically could tell that she was pissed by the way that she was pacing the floor but none of them understood would could have possibly happened to get her like that. Not in the short amount of time that they had been gone.

"Hi are you calling about hiring a Child Custody Lawyer."

"Yes." She was going to hit Nikki where it hurt how dare she do that.

"Pay range."

She wanted the best lawyer money coud by she wouldn'tput Bodhi back with her mother unless she actually wanted to be."Money isn't an issue i just want the best one y'all got."

"Where are you located Mam."


"I'm sending you the number of our best lawyer text her and you two can arrange a meeting."

"Thank you." She was going to do everything in her power to keep Bodhi she didn't want the girls to be seperated she knew that Bodhi liked living with them that she would always believe Ian as her father no matter what because he was always there for her. That she loved being with her and Elena and she didn't want Nikki to try and take that from her.

"No problem have a good day."

"You too." Nina hung up she was pissed and they could tell. She was happy that she was going to be able to get in contact with a lawyer.

"Are you ok?"

"Nikki is taking me to court for Bodhi. She wants full custody that was a law firm because we need a lawyer. She purposly left you out of it probably because of y'all history and she know that can damage her chances of getting her would be worse then taking me." She turned towards them and took a breath.

"What can she do that?" Elena asked she already didn't like Nikki and now hearing that she was trying to take Bodhi after her mother Legally adopted her was making her pissed.

"Apparently she is trying to." Nina noticed that Bodhi wasn't talking she looked pale. She knew that this news was taking an effect on her and she didn't like that. She didn't want either of her girls going through pain."How about you to go start cooking let me talk to Bodhi."

They nodded getting what she was trying to say and heading to the kitchen. She walked over to Bodhi she didn't want to put pressure on her she knew this was something that they had to do their weren't really many choices in the matter it was court order.."Are you ok?"

She shook her head she didn't want to go back she liked her life."Are they going to force me to go back with her."

"Honestly i'm not sure but i'll fight to keep you here as long as you want to stay here. If you want to go back with your mother it will always be your choice but if you want to stay here you always have a home here."

Bodhi didn't like how her mother had tried to use her to keep Ian around. That she lied to her about who her father was."I don't want to go."

"Then were going to go to that hearing and were going to try and make sure they don't grant her full custody."

Bodhi hugged Nina tight not wanting to let her go."Thank you" She was happy to have Nina in her life she was happy to know all of them no matter what she would always be a Somerhalder blood or not. And nothing not even her mother and a court order was going to change that.


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