chapter 14

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Nina couldn't believe Nikki was putting Bohdi through court but here they were sitting in the court room. Ian Elena and a few cast members were in the crowd. It was Nina and Bodhi on one side and Nikki on the other both had a lawyer. Since it was child custody case there was no jury,

"Ms. Reed please state your claim."

"I want full custody of my daughter  Bodhi Soleil Reed Somerhalder Nina already has a daughter.s"

"Ms Dobrev."

"Bodhi is 16 Nikki has been lying to her all her life she lied about who her father was she made her daughter where contacts and i've seen how uncomfortable she makes her. Her birth father doesn't want her after all this time and she came to live with me we adopted her i made sure that  she had the party she wanted."

"The party you gave her was small compared to what you gave your daughter."

"No the party i gave her was small because she wanted simple with just family and thats what i did for her. She enjoyed Elena's party with the concert she got to see everyone she got to have a spa day hollywood walk of fame she got to meet Vin Disel Arianna Grande and Selena Gomez but she wanted only family at her party."

"She's my daughter"

She was pissed how Dare Nikki her shots were horrible she didn't deserve to be a mother."I know she's your daughter i met her at a concert you don't think i recognize her i was with his mother Candice and Elena we were at an Arianna Grande concert i had front row tickets. Her and Elena got to know eachother and they became the best of friends. If you would have actually gotten to know your daughter instead of manipulating her you would have known that."

"And you think you know her better then the women who birthed her."

Nina wanted to slap her but she did her best to keep her calm she had been trying so hard to make Bodhi happy to see her smile and be a kid not be scared of her mother who used her and lied to her."I know that Bodhi is smart that instead of being on her phone laptop or watching a movie she would prefer to be outside and in nature which is why when i got served with court papers i took her to to the zoo to see animals because i knew that it would put a smile on her face. She wanted a small party she doesn't like being around people unlike my daughter who is a people person and is outgoing unlike Bodhi who is more to herself."

"Do you even know what she like?"

That really pissed hre off she knew a lot about Bodhi she treated her just like she did Elena. Like she was her own and nothing would change that she picked up on the things that she had liked during the years."Yes she likes watching movies she likes being around animals. They like when i send them shopping trips with there dad. She likes baking with me cause she can't cook. Her and Elena just did a fast and the furious Marathon after meeting Vin Desil Arianna Grande and Selena Gomez. Both girls got a signed post from each artist because i paid for them in advance and i knew them. They got to take pictures with all of them and Dove Cameron who i've also met and she came with her husband who was in Legacies. After everything you put her through i've been doing my best to put a smile on her face. We've been fighting for years Nikki I adopted her legally and you still dragged us into court."

"Your the reason we've been fighting for 18 years. Last tiime i checked you got pregnant by my ex-"

Now that was shitty why would she bring that up when it had nothing to do with right now. Nina knew why Nikki had been pissed but to hear her say it just made her angry."While you were pregnant by yours and i didn't say anything until he found me so you can't do that were here because you called us here so how about you say what you have to say i don't have time to argue with you. Like you said its been 18 years. You were pregnant first i just went into labor at 6 months."

"Your daughter has been harrassing me for years."

She hadn't even known about the harrassment and if she did she would have not let her daughter do it."Under the supervision of Candice and Paul i had nothing to do with it. You really think i would have let her get away with harassing someone. I want my daughter to be a good person no matter how much i dislike you i would have never let her do it."

"Your taking my daughter from me."

Bodhi wanted to be with her and she let her. She would never let Bodhi live with someone that she didn't want to and she hoped the judge realized who Bodhi didn't feel comfortable with for her sake."No i didn't i took her from the father who didn't want her. And try to undo the damage that you did you not me. Were adults they are children get over yourself Nikki you let her go with someone who didn't like her. You can argue all you want you can blame me for the past all you want but this has nothing to do with the past this has to do with the 16 year old who doesn't even want to look at you after what you did. My daughter told me what happened in the elevator in La she was scared to even stand by you. Don't make this harder on her."

"You may have adopted her but i gave birth to her."

"Yes legally i adopted her legally and you knew that the only way you could get her back was through custody court but did you think about how this was going to effect her you didn't. I did i knew it was going to take a toll on her what child wants to be dragged through court. No one."

Nina hadn't want to spent the trial arguing with her but Nikki was not making it easy. She couldn't believe half the things that she was saying Bodhi was still a child and this was not good for her. The past was the past and if Nikki wanted to discuss it they could but not in front of the kids. She hated what Nikki was saying and she hated seeing how Bodhi was reacting to it. She was a mother first always.

The judge however was listening to the women argue writing down things she found important she would do her own research and find out what she could. But her main focus was how Bodhi reacted to what the two women were saying.

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