Chapter 15:Verdict

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Bodhi was in a room with the judge."I am going to ask you a series of questions all i need you to do is answer them to the best of your ability."

Bodhi nodded."Alright." She was scared but she knew that she had to do this. She answered the questions and thats how the decision was made/

"Do you prefer Nikki or Nina."

"Nina." Nina was nice to her always she took what she wanted into consideration.

"Who do you believe is your father."

She already knew this answer no matter what Ian would always be her father."Ian even after he found out he was still there."

"When you met Nina did it ever seem like she hated you."

"No she treated me just like she treated Elena."

"Your mother does she not like you."

"I feel like she only used me to try and keep Ian he wanted a baby thats why he didn't stay with Nina." Its sad but she felt like that she used her just to keep her marriage.

"How are him and Nina now."

"Better then ever there the best parents a girl could ask for." It wasn't a lie she was nervous and she hoped she didn't sound like it.

"How is Elena with him i know they were rocky when they first met."

"Its like there twins sometimes she gets a lot of her traits from him his eyes she loves to cook she would rather watch a movie with her family then being on her phone."

"How are you with Nina."

"She's a baker and thats what i like to do she shows me stuff and when i said i didn't want a huge 16th birthday bash she was ok with it."
Nina and Bodhi were back in court it was time for the verdict Bodhi was freaking out she was scared that she was going to be forced to go back with Nikki that was the last place that she wanted to go.

All 3 set of there parents were there they wanted to see how it would end. Some of the Tvd To and Legacies cast came to along with a few others that went to Elena's party. They all wanted to see how this would end.

The judge banged her gabble."I've honestly never had a case like this. But i can see there is a lot of tension in this crowd honestly i had to do my own research for this case and i figured which mother would be the better fit and i want to go on and say that this was not personal. But based on what i've seen here and the little movements and reactions i was getting from Bodhi along with the evidence from the research that i've done i've decided that the women who'll get full custody of her is Miss Nina Dobrev."

"How does she get her?"

"I did background checks on both of you she had her daughter and instead of throwing her into the public eye like you did she let her make that choice for herself actually no matter how Elena or Bodhi came to be Nina accepted both i've found pictures of the three i've seen the elevator tape from LA you threatening a 16 year old. Who was just protecting her sister. No matter if you show her face or not Nina always made it her daughters decision she went underground. At any event she was at her daughter was there with a nanny but Nina never let the public know not wanting her daughter to go through camera's watching her every move. You sent her with her ex-husband after you got divorced from your former husband. Making a child wear contacts to hide your infedelity is on you not on her. When you speak Bodhi flinches you want to bring up the past she won't do it in front of teenagers because she's right its not there concern you two fight has nothing to do with the kids and trying to drag them into it is not parenting. You said that the party she gave her was small compared to the one she gave Elena. But Bodhi got to enjoy Elena's party Elena's 4 guest of honor are in the crowd today. Cause they've seen it themselves. Bodhi wanted a small party i know because i had questioned her on this  before deciding my choice. Do you even know what your own daughter likes or were you to busy trying to cover up your affair. Affairs happen but you have to take responsiblity for it. You argue with 16 year olds if i were to let her stay with you they would never see eachother again. Nikki i have no doubt you would be a good mother if it was for the right reasons. That is why Nina will be Bodhi's legal guardian good day."

Bodhi hugged Nina not wanting to let her go."Thank you." She had tears coming down her face she had been scared they were going to make her go back with her mother.

"Lets go home."

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