Lord help us

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Shanece Pov

I got my babies fed and dressed and lied them down for a nap as I was getting myself ready.

"Baby you sure you don't want to meet Brittany and Madison?"

"Yea bae, I'm done with being around girls when I don't have to be."

Nathan slid under the covers as he flipped through the channels.

"Yea you right, that hoe Rita made it a done deal."

I pecked Nathan on his lips and hopped in the shower. The hot steaming water eased my body from the tension as it trickled down my spine. I washed up and stayed in for a good 20 minutes before getting out. After drying off and lotioning up I picked out my outfit for today. I decided on a fitted white long sleeve shirt, ripped jeans with tights under, and my all white forces. It was chilly outside being the month of mid October so I grabbed a jacket. After checking my hair in the mirror I got my babies together and gave a goodbye kiss to Nathan.

"I love you be good" I said before leaving.

I pulled up at the semi packed mall and got the stroller out for three. I entered the mall and immediately spotted Madison with her bright orange reddish hair.

"Hey girl!" Madison ran up to me giving me a hug.

"Hey! Where's Brittany?" I asked.

"Right here" She said popping up behind me.

"And who are these cuties" she cooed over the triplets.

"These are my babies Nylah, Rylah, and Kylen" I said pointing to each of them.

"OMG they are so cute" Madison said playing with Nylah.

"Thanks girl but lets get something to eat I'm starving."

We walked to the food court and each ordered Chinese food. As I was chewing my food I felt someone watching me. I looked up to see a dark skin dude hella sexy staring me down. I blushed and was flattered but shook it off because I'm taken.

"Why are your cheeks so red?" Brittany asked.

"Uhh..." I was too embarrassed to answer so I just shrugged it off and continued eating my food.

"You're lying so tell us" Madison urged.

I nodded my head towards the boy from earlier and to my surprise I seen him walking towards our way. When Brittany seen him she immediately gushed over him. "I ain't never had a black dude before but I sure don't mind trying one."

I laughed at her remark "Well you can have him I'm not interested nor am I available so he's all yours."

I finished my food and fed my babies a bottle before getting up and walking away. Before I could I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Disculpe? Yo soy Andrè" I turned around to see the same dude smiling in my face. I laughed and shook my head.

"Y yo soy Shanece"(don't judge my Spanish) I said trying to understand the situation.

"So you're part Latino?" I asked.

"Nah ma, I was just trying to do a new pick up line and I see it worked" he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes "Actually it didn't but ok whatever floats your boat."

I grabbed my babies stroller and began to walk away. He grabbed me by the arm and turned me around.

"Can I get your number" He said while licking his lips seductively.

"Can't you see I'm not interested, and in case you didn't notice these three babies are my kids. I'm pretty sure that my boyfriend which is their daddy wouldn't want me talking to you." I snatched my arm back now kinda annoyed by his presence.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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