Made a scene

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"Shanece! Shanece! wake up its a fire drill" my bestfriend Lori said. I jumped up and grabbed my things headed for the door with the rest of the class. Thinking its a real fire drill I start shouting.

"Every one get out get out quick" but instead they all looked at me and laughed. 

"Its just a fire drill and you have slob all down the side of your face" Lori said.

My knees suddenly got weak and my stomach started turning as I was holding back the water works, I was so embarrased that all I wanted to do was run and cry.

"Its ok you didn't know but next time I advise you not to fall asleep in my class" Mr.Carter said while lightly patting my back.

"Well maybe I should have noticed that there wasnt any smoke or fire and everyone was walking out instead of running"

"Yea you should have, but next time just be more alert" he said.

It was the end of school and I was so tired I barely made it to the car.

"Hey, you sure you can drive in your condition" Nathan asked coming up to me.

"Uhhh are you talking to me?" I said stunned that the most popular boy in school was talking to me.

"Yea you" he said.

  "Im fine just a little tired but my bestfriend Lori is going to drive me home."

"Oh alright well can I have your number" Nathan asked leaning against my car. I was so shocked I just stood there like an idiot without saying a word.

"Helllooo is that a yes or a no..."

"Oh I'm sorry I'm just surprised that you are even talking to me but sure its 256-555-8943."

"Aight ma see you around" he said saving my number then walking off. I wonder what that was all about, guess I'll find out later."

Nathan Pov

I see Shanece still dont remember what happened about a month ago. She came to my house with her bestfriend and everybody was having a good time until someone drugged her. She was really out of it. I tried to help her but nothing was working. She followed me in my room and began touching and feeling on me, after that we had sex... and now that I think about it we didnt use protection. All sorts of questions was running through my mind. Should I tell her or wait to see what happens? I pulled out the parking lot of my school and headed home.

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