Make up instead of break up

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Shanece POV

I sat in my room back at my parents house thinking about everything that went down last week. I haven't been going to school since I've gotten bigger so I take my classes online or have my best friend bring me my work. Speaking of her she's calling me now. "Hey babe wyd?" she asked through the phone "In bed I'm on bed rest" I lied. "B**** stop lying you know you ain't on no damn bed rest now get up cause we going out" I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth "I don't want to plus I'm too big to do anything" "Girl stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up, you been in bed for the past week just talk to him if you're that miserable" she said. "Alright whatever" I hung up the phone not wanting to finish the conversation. My mood brightened when I thought about my birthday which was in 3 days. After getting up and doing my daily hygiene I slipped on a pair of sweats and a big t shirt. I was walking downstairs when someone knocked on the door. I opened and to my surprise it was Nathan.

Nathan Pov

I've been miserable since Shanece walked out on me and I just want my baby back. I've been texting and calling her since she left and she hasn't answered to not even one. I really want to prove to her that I'm in love with her. I found out that the girl who had told Shanece I was her baby daddy is the same girl that drugged her.  I always wrapped up and made sure that the condom wasn't broke and I never slept with her crazy a** anyway. After being ignored by Shanece for the past week I decided to just go over to her parents house. I pulled up with butterflies in my stomach hoping she will just give me a chance to explain. When the door swung open it was slammed shut as soon as it was open by Shanece. I kinda knew this would happen so I regained my composure and knocked again this time her mother answered the door. "May I talk to Shanece its really important" I stood there until she moved aside to let me in. "She's in her room, upstairs the second door to the left" she said. I began walking upstairs but was stopped when her mom grabbed my shoulder. "Whatever you did to hurt my baby I will be sure you won't ever do it again, so please make things right before they get any worse, I don't like seeing my baby hurt and so does her father" I took everything in and replied "Yes ma'am" before heading back upstairs. I stood in front of her door and opened it peeking my head inside. "Baby can you just let me explain" I waited for her answer until she motioned for me to sit down.

Shanece POV

"You have 5 minutes" I looked him in his eyes and folded my arms across my chest.  He stared at me for a moment before speaking. "4 minutes" I said. "OK I'm just gone jump straight to it, I miss you I need you back home with me and I want to wake up to you and my unborns every morning" he said trying to hold my hand. I showed no sign of emotion and slapped his hand away. " You know what all that sound sweet and all but I don't know if I can trust you again, that broke my heart when I heard that and I really don't have time for heart ache so I think we should just break up for good we can just co parent" I really did miss him and began to love him but once you hurt me that's it. "I can't do that Shanece, I have to have you be mine and I'm not leaving here until you are, and I don't have another baby mama that girl lied to you, she's the one who drugged you" he said. I was so confused and mad at the same time. I should have listened but instead I let my anger get the best of me. "Are you sure you don't have any other kids?" I asked. " Yes baby girl I'm sure and I will get this situation handled" he leaned in and kissed me softly, god I really missed his lips. "I think I should handle ole girl, first she drugged me then she tries to break up my family, this hoe gone get hers" I snapped. "Damn babe you turned from calm to frantic in a matter of seconds but no your not, you almost 5 months pregnant with my kids and you not about to put them or yourself in danger, just leave it up to me I got it handled" I thought about it and he's right. "OK baby but if you don't then I will myself " I said.  "I know bae you my lil thug" he said laughing. We both shared a laugh and shook our heads. "I really missed you Nathan, I want to go back home with you" "I've been wanting to hear that since you left" he said smiling hard. We packed my things and headed back to his place after saying our see you later's to my parents. We made it back home to see the condo door wide open. "Nathan I think somebody just broke in your house" I was scared of who could be inside. He grabbed a gun from under his car seat and cocked it back. "Woah why do you have that and where did you get it from" I began to panic."Calm down baby and stay in this car if I don't come back out in 10 minutes than call my brother Man his number on speed dial" he said handing me his phone. "No Nathan Im scared, what if some one is in there! my babies need their daddy !" I yelled. He kissed my lips and belly multiple times and told me he love me and the twins before getting out the car like this was the end.  Instead of me doing as told I called his brother anyway and snuck out the car.

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