Chapter 13

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Please read my message on my message board. It's important and an apology for being away.

(Something is changing in this fic. The way Zayn's character was developing seemed a bit off to me as a writer. So I fixed it, that way I see something actually working out. It's nothing drastic. You can also see into Rodgers thoughts more, he won't just be on the side like he was.)

(I can't promise that Rodger will be a threat or not. I'm sorry, but the story will write itself as it continues. I've noticed that if I cut possibilities off, as a writer, I feel personally constricted.)


"Did you practice? Today is the day" Rodger teases his twin, thick black eyebrows wiggling in Zayn's direction. "No..." Zayn lies, he bites the inside of his cheek eventually rolling his eyes. "Okay fine, yes I did."

"Weirdo" Rodger snickers in response, wow, Zayn really is a pussy, isn't he?

"You're that nervous about Harry coming over, huh?"


Zayn never thought he'd feel like this. He never in a million years pictured himself like this. Someone could have told him that he'd be stressing out about a boy sleeping over, about a boy sleeping in his bed, next to him. Zayn would have brushed that comment off like it was nothing, but now everything's changed. Something has changed in his mind, that he's getting all worked up over Harry sleeping over. Having Harry's body right next to him, his warmth flowing into Zayn's system and it's getting all these dirty thoughts into his mind.

It's not only that. He's also stressing about his house not being presentable, what if Harry thinks he's not enough? He has a decent-sized house, though it's nothing compared to Harry's.

Harry basically has a goddamn waterfall in his house. The only waterfall Zayn has in his own house is the leaking sink his dad keeps trying to fix.

Maybe Zayn should call and cancel this sleepover. Maybe it's too soon, maybe this is a mistake and they should schedule it for another time.

A boy sleeping over his house was never a big deal. It never was, they were always just friends- but then again- Harry is his friend too, and he's a boy.

He's a boy who Zayn gets all worked up around.

He's a boy that Zayn has kissed, and that's the difference between Harry and all of Zayn's male friends who have visited his home. Harry is the only one who's made him feel like he's into guys. He's never once questioned his sexuality, even now he's not sure what he's into. He knows he's into females but is he into guys or just Harry? The thought of being with a guy who isn't Harry kind of bugs him. Harry is the one who made him think about touching another dick that isn't his own.

"What are you going to say to Harry?" Rodger's voice fills Zayn's ears and that's how he gets back from his mind and into the present time. Zayn almost forgot he was even with his twin, that's how blind his thoughts get him.

The pierced twin squints his eyes at Rodger, what the fuck did he just say?

"What are you going to say? Hello? Earth to Zayn?" Zayn plays it off cool by muttering a quick, "I heard you the first time dickhead. I'm thinking." Even though he didn't.

"Um...this is my bed...looks soft doesn't it? Oh, you want to test it out?" Zayn whispered looking to the side and smirking. "Harry is going to run away, that was creepy" Rodger informs him with a face of disgust. "It's not creepy! It's flirtatious!" Zayn defends himself, he groans in defeat knowing very well that it was creepy. Zayn is normally very good at being smooth but he can't exactly be sincere with his words. Harry isn't here, it's just Rodger and not the pretty green eyes Zayn likes melting into. "I'm just trying to help here. Harry is coming in less than an hour-" The pierced twin chuckled cutting Rodger off with a quick joke. "He will be coming in seconds with me"

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