Chapter 3.

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Next chap will be Harry's !

Since the twins had track right after school, they were ordered to stay and do a few laps with the other kids. Zayn hated talking to most of them because some were really competitive. Him & Rodger just like running, feeling the breeze in their faces and the rush of adrenaline.

Zayn had walked Harry to his next class after all, the curly haired boy was nice, even cracked some jokes. The twin really wanted to ask him for his phone number but he went chicken, he will ask tomorrow.

"You can't possibly be serious." Rodger says in a disgusted tone when he catches a glimpse of what his twin was going. Zayn was grabbing water from the water fountain throwing it on himself so he can cool down. "That's fucking nasty." He adds again nudging Zayn out of the way so he can get a quick sip.

"So? We got to improvise, do you see any hoses around here? Do you want to go inside to the gym showers?" Rodger freezes at the suggestion shaking his head, Zayn chuckles at the reaction. "Yeah- That's what I thought."

Last time they were in the gym showers they heard someone doing it. Full of doing it against something- they didn't see anything but they know for a fact the people are still at it. They heard noises but never dared to go in anymore, they just showered at home.

"What if we go in there and they suggest a full on foursome?" Rodger whispers trying not to get caught talking about sexual activity near the coaches around them. "Exactly, so don't judge me." Zayn mumbles wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. He brings the bottom of his shirt up wiping off his whole face, tattooed front full exposed.

"Nobody wants to see your body." A voice calls out from behind him- and oh. It's Liam. "Sup man" Rodger greets their friend with a bro hug, Zayn is next with a quick handshake. "I finished my football weights already, figured I'd come to say hey." Liam explains, he has a tight gray shirt on that's literally drenched in sweat and some basketball shorts.

"Yeah we finished with our running also. Niall hasn't joined a sport yet, right?" Zayn asks running a hand through his sweaty hair. Liam rolls his eyes, "Yeah, he has. He's in choir. Choir is isn't a sport but he fights me that it is." Their friend speaks disbelief on all their faces. "He says he's exercising his throat." He adds, Rodger chokes on his saliva and Zayn chuckles.

"Tell him if he wants to exercise his throat well to come with me." Rodger says eyes straight ahead probably not aware that he said that out loud. Zayn pushes him slightly, "Erm- Like it was a joke, because gay dudes suck dick- I'm not gay but I'm just saying like- Nevermind." Rodger shuts up looking flustered a red shade covering his cheeks.

"Like I'm not gay! guys. It was a joke- I didn't mean for it to sound dirty." Rodger tries again only to have Zayn give him a look and start walking away with Liam.

"Guys?" The twin calls out now noticing that one out of the 3 coaches there was staring at him with a shocked expression. Shit. He probably heard that. Rodger avoids his gaze coughing going to the track coach.

"Coach, we are done. We are heading home." He says, Coach Ed gives him a thumbs up not even sparing a glance to caught up into his conversation with another coach. The one that heard him was still staring at Rodger and it was making him feel weird.

"I-Im not gay!" Rodger spits out completely embarrassed under the eyes of the adult, with that he storms away into the direction his twin. & Liam went off too.

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