Chapter 9.

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thank you for those who comment, you all make me happy.


Have you done anything out of impulse? Something that's itching your skin, that you eventually break and do so it'll stop pestering you in the back of your mind?

That's what Zayn just did, he kissed Harry. He felt like ice water was thrown on him, his stomach was doing somersaults. He felt sick, literally. It's just that his mind has been going crazy around the green-eyed boy, he couldn't understand it anymore, he didn't want too. He didn't know if his father was right for assuming what he did earlier that day but considering the way he liked having control of Harry, and making him smile, and wanting to do things he didn't want anyone else to do.

Maybe his Father and Rodger were right.

For example; walking Harry to his classes, wanting to visit him a lot, call him nicknames. It's like he wants to be Harry's special unique friend. He doesn't want anyone else in his spot, and he doesn't want anyone else to be given a position higher than we're Zayn is currently at. He can't really explain it well, but Zayn has never felt this urge, he's only 17, he's still discovering himself and it scares him to not know what's happening in his mind.

It's like he knows what's there, he just doesn't know what to do with his feelings.

His mind was racing as he moved away from the younger boys space, "Peaches-" Zayn starts going to explain everything to only have Harry cut him off by pressing their lips together again.


"Shut up and kiss- I don't want to think" Harry mumbled his lips softly moving against Zayn's and gosh, they were so soft and plump. Zayn wanted to bite so bad, but he decided against it knowing very well he'd ruin such a fragile moment. He kissed back with the same energy the younger guy was giving him, pliant, slow, deep.

Harry let his head tilt to the side, and that's when Zayn couldn't resist pressing harder into the kiss. His mouth opening a bit to let his tongue wander into, so it can dance with Harry's. They both gasped feeling themselves get closer to keep the wonderful feeling going. Harry scooted closer to Zayn, the older guy was pressed up against the cabinets, stuck in between that warm body that was eager to please.

Zayn felt Harry's hands go to his cheeks, thumbs caressing his face. His own hands went to the guy's curly hair, Harry had beautiful curls, they were so...nice. It's something that made him feel secure, held down in place as he sucked faces with a genuine guy. The way Harry had his hands on his face, hot skin encouraging him to continue kissing until their jaws ached from movement.

The kiss wasn't bad at all, It wasn't even rushed, it wasn't dirty. It was just sweet and smooth, it was tasting each other's mouth for the first time and letting themselves explore the surface. It made his whole body ignite and rush feelings everywhere. Zayn could hear the low sound of wet smooches and he felt his own face get hot.

"Are the cupcakes done yet?" Zayn whispers when they pull away, his lips brush Harry's wet ones and he feels a part of his stomach twirl in a way it's never twirled before. He did that. "I think so" Harry replies licking his lips, the twin breathed out shakily his body struggling to stand up at first. That kiss made him get nervous, it's making him get nervous just thinking about it. How everything happened so quickly, but yet so slow. Harry did say he didn't want to think about it, why not?

Zayn knows he will be thinking about it every single day from now on, he won't stop thinking of how comforting it felt to have another person feel the exact same thing you are. Warmth, full-filled, gentle. He didn't exactly know that was what Harry felt, but that's what Zayn felt, and if the other guy was just as into the kiss as he was, he sure ass heck felt it too.

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