Chapter Sixteen: So Soon?

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone,

Hope your all enjoying what is left of summer. I go back to school on the 27th, but I do have an announcement to make, I applied for a job and got an interview which was interesting since it was my first one for a job. I'm waiting for an email or call to know if I got the job. I'm hoping that I get it because I know that it takes a lot to take care of a bunch of kids with learning disabilities.

Also I'm sorry if these chapters are really boring. I'm doing what I can to make them interesting. I do hope this chapter is interesting for you guys.

~enjoy the chapter~


"Mother mary, full of grace, awaken
All our homes are gone, our loved ones taken. Taken by the sea. Mother mary, calm our fears, have mercy. Drowning in a sea of tears, have mercy. Hear our mournful plea. Our world has been shaken. We wander our homelands forsaken. In the dark night of the soul. Bring some comfort to us all. Oh mother mary come and carry us in your embrace. That our sorrows may be faced"

~Requiem Mother Mary Full of Grace by: Eliza Gilkyson~


No one knew what was in the mysterious note. Although the triplets had their control of Andy before the note appeared, the main question that no one seems to know is who is after the Strucker kids? Or why none of the security in the building has a clue how it got past them and into the Strucker kids rooms.

Due to the triplets seeing through Andy's eyes they could sense that the letter was meant for Lauren only. "Lauren, we mustn't let who is behind this note get to your or my head. For all we know it could be our parents doing all they can to bring us home to them." Andy/Frost mumbled under his/her breath.

Heather, Tico, and Max rush into the board room turning on the tv. "Have you guys seen the news this morning yet?" Max asked staring right towards Lauren.

Andy looks at Max in confusion. "What you talking about Max?" The room started to shake due to Andy's rage and anger. His sister places a hand on his shoulder making the room calm. "Max, you haven't been here long enough to start accusing me of something without having the facts."

"She's right Max. Turn to the Ryan hour. It's where the disaster is being talked about." Heather punches Max's arm roughly, teleporting the three of them to the couches to sit down.

"Welcome back to the Ryan Hour. I'm your host Benedict Ryan. Recent events of attacks in our communities caused an out break in all the mental hospitals, the prisons everywhere. Many are to believe the cause of this mass destruction belongs to a Von Strucker. Yes the legendary Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker known as Fenris, sources believe the living relatives that have these foolish monsters powers are right here in Washington D.C., were on the break of war people. It's time to fight back and protect innocent lives." As the news kept going Lauren took her leave and left the building.

Images flash through Lauren's mind once again just like in her dreams, but this time the world around her turned into rubble.

Lauren let's out a scream as the power of what she thought was Fenris came out causing a massive wave of energy to go everywhere in front of her. Andy came to a complete jolt when he felt that power coming from Lauren. "LAUREN!?"

"ANDY STAY FOCUSED. LAUREN IS IN DANGER! GO FIND HER AND BRING HER TO OUR ROOM IMMEDIATELY." the triplets demanded causing another wave of energy this time coming from Andy himself to go everywhere in front of him.

Reeva runs towards the triplets room going to them for answers. "Girls? What is going on? Andrew is sending energy waves that are causing the world outside to be almost destroyed and Lauren is causing the same exact thing?" Reeva scowled at them for once caring the the health of the Strucker kids.

"We don't know Reeva. We still have our hold on Andrew, but what he is experiencing with Lauren right now isn't anything we've seen before." The triplets answer in unison hearing the constant screams from both Strucker kids.

As one of the helpers walk past them, Reeva stops them in their tracks immediately. "Miss, I need you to get the doctor stat we need his help with the Strucker kids." Reeva ordered, the helpers nods quickly rushing off to the medical wing.

Andy and Lauren stood up from their current position, the luck in their eyes changed dramatically, another wave of energy hit them both causing them to black out.

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