Chapter 52: On Fire

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Chapter 52: On Fire

Marshall heard the sound of a blaring alarm as he approached Riley’s apartment door. With a firm frown set on his face, he wrapped his hand around the doorknob and turned it, quickly. He wasn’t surprised to find it unlocked but was surprised at what he saw when he entered.

Riley was standing over the modern kitchen stovetop, a pan that was searing with flames falling out of her hands and onto the stove. She had a panicked look over her beautiful features and had gloves on her hands and an apron around her waist.

“Jesus Christ!” Adrenaline made him act quickly as he spotted the fire blanket on her kitchen window seal. Darting for it, while dodging the soaring flames, he unraveled it and threw it over the flame. Just as he did, he felt something wet spray all over him. As he turned, in what felt like slow motion, he spotted Riley holding a fire extinguisher, locked and loaded, firing at the fire… or more accurately, him.

He put his hands up to unsuccessfully shield his face from the spray but she didn’t stop until he yelled out. “Riley! It’s out! STOP!”

After a moment, she lowered the extinguisher, cautiously as if she were expecting the stove to spontaneously fire up again. He lifted his hands and wiped the white foam off his face. Riley suddenly had a coy smile on her face and couldn’t help but start giggling.

His mouth dropped as he stared down at his clothes, now soaking wet. “You think this is funny?” He stepped forwards and lunged for the fire extinguisher. He grabbed a hold of it and aimed it right at her. Immediately, she knew what he wanted to do and squealed, headed for the door of her apartment.

Anticipating the move, he started spraying the foam all over her and she only shrieked louder. He made it to the door before her and slammed it shut with his foot as she was backed up against it. He let loose with the foam, and made sure she was covered head to foot.

As he stopped Riley looked just as horrified as him but he’d somehow managed to miss half of her face. He put the extinguisher down and couldn’t help but laugh himself, now seeing how funny it was. The door behind Riley had her body outline in foam on it. Riley shook her head and they both continued to laugh until they had tears in their eyes.

Riley suddenly launched for the fire extinguisher again but as she lifted it up to spray him again, it only let out a small tuft and air. Disappointed she dropped the thing, “It’s empty...”

“Ha!” He teased. He looked down at his clothes, assured that they were ruined. “What the fuck were you doing?”

Riley wandered over to the kitchen, the place absolutely trashed from the foam. “Cooking…”

He smirked, “If that’s what you want to call it.”

She just rolled her eyes. “The oil caught on fire and it just got out of hand, really quickly.” He just kept staring at her in disbelief and she just giggled again. “I’m sorry. You just look so funny.”

“You should check yourself out,” He leered.

Riley sighed and headed for the bathroom door, as she backed into the room, she gave him a dark look. “Would you like to join me?”

His body moved before his mouth even responded. Who would have thought that she could still look and sound sexy covering in fire extinguisher foam…?

An hour later, he was standing in the fresh pair of clothes he kept at Riley’s place. His soaked clothes were in the dryer along with hers. She was just shimming into a pair of jeans, but he noticed the sour expression on her face. Far too quietly, she wandered out of the bedroom and back into the messy kitchen. He followed her, inspecting her, suspecting something was wrong.

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