Chapter 28: Cleanin' Out My Closet

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Chapter 28: Cleanin’ Out my Closet

One Week Later…

Riley carefully set down the last cardboard box on the marble kitchen counter. Despite all the un-packing she would have to do, a strong sense of accomplishment overcame her as she stared across the open living area, crowded with boxes and new furniture.

She couldn’t believe how fast things had gone. She’d put her apartment on the market straight away and it’d been snapped up quickly with its beachfront views, giving her enough money to buy another place. It was actually Mark who’d found her new home. It was a beautiful two bedroom, modern-country style home. It even had a small backyard, something Riley had never had before, moving from apartment to apartment. But the best part as that she was only a few blocks away from Marshall.

Once she’d brought the new house, she’d packed everything up in her apartment and sold all her furniture. Her new home came fully fitted as it was used as a display home before she brought it. She’d put everything on a truck and flown back to Michigan with Marshall. Surprisingly, leaving wasn’t hard at all. In fact, the hardest part was having to sell two of her boards. With no real beach, keeping more than one was unnecessary. She’d found it hard to part with something that had always been a big part of her life. However, she kept reminding herself that whatever she sacrificed was for a good cause. Her life here in Michigan was going to be good and she knew it was a place she felt like she truly belonged.

Staring at all the boxes, she had no idea where to begin. The truck had arrived at noon and it’d taken her an hour to unload everything into her apartment. She’d spent the previous night back at Marshall’s, anxiously awaiting the official moving day. She spotted one of the boxes marked “KITCHEN- FRAGILE” and decided that it would be the best place to start.

Searching the new apartment, dodging furniture and dozens of boxes, she retrieved all of the kitchen packages and began unpacking them until her the white country kitchen started to look like her own. After an hour, she had the kitchen finished and had sorted out all the boxes so they were in the appropriate room. Luckily, she didn’t have a whole lot to unpack. She’d always had few possessions. It was just the way she lived. She guessed she could blame her past, always having to uproot. It was like she’d been preparing to move again, despite having no intention.

She was sitting, crossed legged in front of a heavy box that was full of books. Unloading them onto the floor beside her, she was consumed in her efforts of unpacking when the intercom ran out from the front door. Looking up, she wasn’t used to having to answer it.

“Riley! It’s Marshall! Let me up! It’s freezing.”

Jumping up, she skidded over to the intercom and pressed the red button to open the main doors to the foyer downstairs. She could only laugh as she glanced at the screen, showing Marshall standing outside, arms crossed trying to warm himself from the strong winds. The warm autumn they’d been having had come to an abrupt and cold ending as it started to phase into winter. As the door opened he glanced up at the camera and flipped her off with a sneaky smile before entering. Smiling to herself, she unlocked the door so he could walk in and resumed backing the bookshelf.

Two minutes later the door swung open and Marshall stood in the doorway, arms out like he owned the place. “Honey, I’m home!”

Riley rolled her eyes, “Shut up.”

Marshall faked being offended, “What?” He placed a hand on his chest like she’d physically hurt him. “I battle my way through 100mph winds to selflessly help you unpack and this is how you treat me?”

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