Chapter 16: The Reunion

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Chapter 16: The Reunion

Riley couldn’t believe the list of instructions she received. Or the fact that Marshall insisted she stay with him. Or that he’d paid for her flight. Or that she’d actually flown to Michigan. Or that she was walking through the airport, scrolling down the long email Marshall had sent her. God… everything was so crazy at the moment.

The list of instructions he’d sent her was astronomical. It explained everything from what flight she was on down to minute details about what the driver looked like that was picking her up. He even told her not to draw to much attention to herself. Which was a given. Neither of them wanted another media frenzy on their hands. Especially after seeing another slanderous news report on the flight over about them. She’d turned off the channel right there and then.

But a few hours cooped up in a plane only made her nervous about everything. What would Dick do if he found out she’d flown over to Michigan. To stay with Marshall? He’d flip and she didn’t know how violent he might get. Even after filing the police report, she was still scared. It’s not like it was a restraining order. And she just wished the future was more comforting and stable too, but it wasn’t.

As Marshall’s goddamn security essay described, she grabbed her suitcase from the luggage wheel and spotted the brunette driver waiting for her by the exit, holding a cardboard sign up with her name on it. He smiled as she approached, obviously recognizing her too.

Stepped forwards, he reached out and shook her hand. “Miss Stuart. Pleasure to meet you. We must hurry before somebody spots you.” With that, he didn’t release her hand, instead pulled, leading her quickly out of the airport and straight out into a Mercedes.

As she slid in, he packed her suitcase into the boot and climbed into the front seat, swiftly. They were out of the airport before she could even blink.

“I don’t think that many people would recognize me,” Riley muttered to the drive.

Sitting in the back, she could see him smile through the rear view mirror. “You’re a little naïve if that’s what you think.” She frowned, not understanding. “You’re the talk of the town, Miss Stuart. Everybody knows who you are now.”

Slumping back into the leather seat, it was hard to mistake the seriousness of his voice. He wasn’t kidding. But she couldn’t understand why this was all such a big deal. She and Marshall were- she stopped and closed her eyes. She didn’t even know how to finish that thought. In truth, she didn’t know what their relationship looked like at the moment. And the haziness of it all was giving her a headache. Rubbing her temples, she rested peacefully for a moment.

The next thing she knew, she woke up to the sound of one of the car windows being wound down. Sitting up, suddenly, she didn’t know where they were. The car had stopped in front of two giant black metal gates that ran into brick walls that seemed to boarder whatever was inside. There were perfectly trimmed hedges on every corner and if she looked ahead, she couldn’t see anything special, just a neighborhood. She didn’t understand why it was under lock and key.

The driver flashed what looked like his license to what looked like a security guard booth. The man inside nodded and the gates opened. The driver put the windows back up and pulled through. Riley looked around in amazement as all she could see was mansions from her left to her right.

“Where are we?” She said in awe of the beautiful homes and rolling green grass. Even the sidewalks were perfect, everything was so clean. Her apartment building in Miami wasn’t shabby but this neighborhood put it to shame.

The driver smirked, as if expecting her reaction. “This is a gated community. It’s secured so nobody can enter without proving that they live here or are allowed by owners of the homes.”

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