Chapter 29: Jealousy Woes

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Chapter 29: Jealously Woes

 Marshall’s breathing was steady as he stared across the paved driveway that snaked around the back of his house. The basketball ring was perched on the other side, with painted lines marked out a homemade half court. Proof was facing him, sweating heavily despite the cool weather. He had his hands on his hips, practically heaving.

“You straight?” Marshall called out as he bounced the ball up and down, knees bent, keeping low to the ground.

Proof dropped his hands and clapped. “Bring it on, cheater.”

He rolled his eyes, “I don’t cheat.”

Proof just smiled and let it go, “Hurry up, then.” Sure of his skills, he dribbled the ball up the paved court as Proof just stood there shaking his head, hardly putting up a defense. “You’re travelling!”

Marshall ignored him, “No, I’m not!” As he approached, Proof skillfully attacked him, slapping the ball straight out his grip and dribbling it back over the court line. He cursed, upset that he’d lost the ball again. He glanced over to the sidelines and saw Riley cheering him on, wearing the blue knitted scarf he’d brought her as a moving gift. The color brought out her eyes incredibly, to the point that he’d gotten distracted and hadn’t noticed Proof flop onto the pavement.

Worried he may be hurt, they sprinted up to him only to see that Proof had collapsed from exhaustion and was breathing heavily on the ground. “I’m done,” He gasped. “You’re a machine. But I still kicked your ass.”

Marshall shook his head and held out his hand, pulling Proof to his feet. “I didn’t travel half the times you said I did.”

Proof just gave him a look with a sly smile, “You can’t dribble the ball two feet without travelling.” He couldn’t even argue, knowing it was true. While he was much fitter, Proof was more skilled at basketball. But he loved the game too much to give it up. Riley snatched the ball off Proof, bouncing it up and down at her side, absently.

“Oh that’s true,” Riley agreed with a cheeky smile.

Marshall just pulled a wounded face, “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

She leant in and kissed him on the cheek, “I am on your side. I cheered for you even though you were losing.”

He shook his head, taking the bait. “Like you could do better.”

As if to prove him wrong, she raised a brow at him, turned to face the ring and raised her arms, shooting the ball. Surprisingly, it soared across the court and landed cleanly through the net. Marshall was shocked and Proof just started laughing, thinking it was hilarious that Riley had just showed him up at basketball.

Feeling the dent in his pride, he launched at her, tackling her around the waist and lifting her up into his arms. “If nothing else,” He said, kissing her on the neck. She giggled and stretched out in his hold. “I know I’m better than you at one thing.” His suggestive smile made her laugh as Proof retrieved the ball. As he turned around, Riley still in his arms he spotted someone walking around the edge of the house and up the paved path.

They all stopped, as they realized it was Kim approaching. Proof straightened from picking up the ball and seemed to back off, not knowing what was going on or why she was here. Marshall placed Riley back on her feet as Kim stormed up to them, looking absolutely furious. He stepped in front of Riley, having no idea what she would do, motioning her to stay back.

“I knew it from the start!” Kim yelled as she got within range. She stopped a few feet from the both of them and looked hurt as she clutched an envelope in her grip.

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