Chapter 46: Baby

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Chapter 46: Baby

Christmas had flown by before Marshal knew what happened. The day had been filled with present opening, too much food and chaos, as Hailie and Alaina sprinted around the house, playing with their new toys. And if that wasn’t enough, they’d dragged him and Riley outside to make snowmen. They’d ended up dressed it up as him, stealing one of his old do-rags and tying it around its head. He thought it was funny until Alaina accidently sent her skateboard flying through the snowman, taking its head clean off.

He’s found himself start to relax by Boxing Day morning. After being on tour, it always took him a few days to wind back down and get used to normal life. While he was personally feeling more relaxed, it was hard to say the household was. A tradition going back many years was that everyone from D12 would spend Boxing Day together. And this year, he’d ended up with five other people in his house in the early afternoon.

 They’d just finished exchanging gifts. He hadn’t been impressed that Proof had given Riley the tape of him running naked backstage on tour as a fucking gift. But he’d made up for it by getting him the new NBA game for his Nintendo. But he had a bad hunch that Riley was going to beat him at that game too. So far he’d only managed to beat her in Donkey Kong. But he was going to put up a hell of a fight in this game too.

Bizarre had just ripped off the wrapping to a gift card to his favorite restaurant as Marshall’s phone sang out. Wondering who would be calling on Boxing Day, he stepped out into the entry hall and answered it.


“Yo, Em.” It was 50. “I know its Boxing Day and everything… but I was passing through the D-”

“Don’t tell me you’re working on the holidays, Fif?”

There was a crack from his laugh, “A little bit. I was wondering what you were doing.”

Marshall smirked, “Me and D12 are at my place. You’re welcome but you better have some Christmas presents,” He joked. The doorbell suddenly bellowed through the house and he looked up, frowning. Who the hell…

“Good,” 50 said into the phone, “Because I’m here.” Marshall hung up the phone and stalked over to the door and pulled it open. 50 was standing by the door, wearing a wide brimmed baseball cap, a duffel bag in his hands. He held it up with a wide smile. “Santa’s here?”

Marshall clapped him into a rough hug, “You’re the darkest Santa I’ve ever seen.”

50 laughed and stepped inside as they made their way into the dining room. Everyone looked up and greeted 50 with warm embrace as they were huddled around the table, drinking beer and exchanging gifts. 50 dumped his bag on the only spare end of the table and began passing out his own presents.

He went around the circle, handing them out. He got to Riley and pulled out a small box. She looked surprised. “Oh, 50! You got me a gift? You didn’t have-”

50 shrugged and cut her off, “You brought me those awesome boxing gloves in Canada. You deserve it.”

Marshall raised a brow as he realized the bag was empty… and so were his hands. 50 turned to him, as if he had a surprise. “I’ve got something good for you. But I need a hand with it. It’s pretty heavy.” He motioned over to Proof who stood up and seemed to be in on the idea.

Marshall was curious as Proof rounded the table and stepped near him. Suddenly, they grabbed him. Before he could even fight, he found himself being literally flung over 50’s shoulder while Proof grabbed his legs so he couldn’t kick. They carried him out of the dining room.

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