Chapter 39: Take From Me

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Chapter 39: Take From Me

Three Weeks Later…

Riley felt like she’d bounced back quickly from her injuries. The show in Tacoma was a little shaky but with the revised skit and the enforced rest, she’d managed to get back to reasonable health by the time they toured down the west coast to San Diego. This show marked the half-way point for the US tour. In some ways, she felt like she’d been on the road forever, and on the other hand, she couldn’t believe it was half over already.

She and Marshall had managed to spend some quality time together. It wasn’t the fact that they didn’t see each other, but rather, they were always surrounded by other people. Luckily, sharing the same hotel did have its benefits. The only problem was pushing past their exhaustion to stay awake for a few more bliss hours.

On rare occasions, like tonight, Riley had enough time to sneak onto the side of the stage and watch him perform. He looked amazing on stage. He acted like he belonged up there, like it was what he was born to do. He made everything look effortless, sliding over the beats. The crowd loved him and hang off of every word he said. He’s always do his best to involve the crowd, pumping them up between songs. At one point, he even crowd surfed, making the audience go mental.

She was filled with such joy as she watched the audience tip him back into the stage. She couldn’t help but laugh, and had to stop herself from stepping out onstage as she leant forwards, trying to get a better view. She was still in the makeup covered shirt she wore for the Criminal Skit, earlier. He was smiling, wide. She enjoyed watching him perform, so much. He looked like he was having so much fun.

“Yo, you guys are crazy,” She heard him say into the mike. He seemed to be talking to someone in the front row. “You think you’re my biggest fan?” He laughed, “You what?”

Riley couldn’t see who he was talking to and shuffled forwards, leaning as far out as she could without actually being on stage. She spotted Marshall leaning over the edge of the stage. Looking up at the screen, where the cameras had zoomed in, she was glad she could finally see. But she didn’t see anything good.

Leaning over the edge of the stage, he looked like he was going to give a brunette a hug but she leant forwards and grabbed his neck, pulling him down onto her. They locked lips instantly. Riley’s heart nearly fell out of her chest. Instead of pulling away, Marshall kissed her back before she released him and started freaking out, pulling jealous stares from every other female around her.

The track for the next song started, Marshall leant up, as if nothing had happened and continued on with the next song, just as hyped and happy as before. Riley felt a sick churning in her gut as she stepped back from the curtains. Using the wall to steady herself, she couldn’t erase the image from her mind. Had he really just done that?

He’d done it so openly and plainly, as if he hadn’t thought of her at all. It’d happened so quickly, she almost couldn’t believe it.

Mark was suddenly by her side, staring at her. He grabbed her shoulder, “Are you okay? What’s going on?”

She slowly raised her eyes to him, basically in shock. “Marshall… he just... k-kissed a girl in the crowd.”

“He what?!”

She didn’t have the strength to be able to repeat herself. Mark had suddenly stormed off and she was aware of the music and lights fading from stage as Marshall yelled out, “Goodnight San Diego!” The stage went dark as the stage was prepared for the next act as he ran offstage. When the lights came back onstage, she couldn’t even hear 50 start his performance, everything had seemed to dull to slow motion.

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