Chapter 18

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"Hello, little buddy," I smirk in our prisoner's face, spitting on his "perfect" little nose. "How are you this fine day?"

"Not too good," he struggles with his words, his tongue lolling around inside his mouth. "I was picked for the Hunger Games, abandoned a small girl to her death, and am now a prisoner of the stupidest tribute on earth." Before he can close his sassy little mouth, I've backhanded him across the face, the small ring I brought from home giving him a deep scar.

"Oh no," I say, feigning sympathy. "It looks like I've accidentally scratched the wittle prisoner with my mother's ring--made from the poison found in RattleStingers' claws. I regret to inform you that you don't have long to live--but the small sliver of time you have left will be spent in extreme agony and pain." I sit back, pleased with myself. "And what little life you have will be spent with me and Astrid. If you object, we will kill you."

He stands up, slowly, the angry red slash I gave him seeming to glow. "Well, I'm afraid I have different plans," he says, using a large stick near him for balance. "Since I'll die either way, I'd rather do it FREE!" he shouts the last word, banging me on the head with his staff. Astrid is immediately to my rescue, but he's already ran far away. I then realize he was pretending to be weak in order to overpower me, or at leasg catch me by surprise.

"Are you okay?" Pressing a small piece of cloth to my face, Astrid leans close. "Do you want me to go after him?" she asks, her warm breath tickling my ear.

"No," I say, grimacing. "He'll die anyway. Might as well let him kill some other people for us while he's at it."

"Good idea. So, I was thinking-" Astrid is suddenly interrupted by the loud intercom, echoing through the speakers.

"Attention, all tributes! We will now have a 24-hour break. No killing, no poisoning, no injuring, and no stealing." Astrid and I look at each other, dumfounded. What? "If you do so, we will personally see to your demise. We will be adding a new--how should I put it--twist in the Games. Stay tuned!" The intercom shuts off, and Astrid and I just sit for a moment, taking everything in. She's the first to break the silence.

"When will our former prisoner die?"

I grin at her. "The day after tomorrow. It would be later, but the poison has immersed itself in his blood flow. By now, he should be writhing in pain. He'll be easy pickings--after the "break", that is."

Astrid looks at me thoughtfully. "Wonder if anyone's gonna break the rules," she says.

"I don't know. I'm just glad the announcement came after I poisoned that dude!"

She laughs, and before she can answer, I crush my lips into hers.

"Hans?" she murmurs after I steal away for some air.

"Yeah, Astrid baby?"

"I never loved you," her hand connects with my face, and I grimace in pain. Then Astrid looks at me, then her hands, and her face turns into a mask of horror.

"Ohhh, oh no," she cries, lifting her hands to the sky. "Have mercy, Dictator Gothel! Please! I didn't mean to-"

I quickly scoot away, just in time. A giant hole erupts under Astrid, and she falls, her scream piercing the cool evening air. After she disappears from sight, the hole closes, the jungle landscape reappearing on top of it.

"One down, twenty-two to go," I smile to myself. I knew she would punch me. I knew she hated me. Or, at least, didn't love me. But that was okay. I didn't need love.

I needed to win.


Okay, so sorry that this was only one scene. But I updated! Are you proud of me, Unicorn Puffs? No? Yes? So, if you're confused to why Astrid died, remember what the Gamemaker said. "No INJURING." She hurt Hans, and even though he wanted her to, it still counted.

See ya, peoples!

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