Chapter 13

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Warning: This chapter is sort of the meeting between Anna and Kristoff. Be prepared. (I'm honestly not sure why that would be a warning. Lol.)


The reapings are actually pretty interesting, once you get over the fact that the kids are getting picked to fight to the death in an arena where they have a little over 4% chance of surviving. Yep. I did school. I'm actually pretty good at math.

I hear Gothel-excuse me, Dictator Gothel-is really mad that no young kids got picked. They were all over the age of 12. Apparently she executed all the reapers for "unsatisfactory results". I guess that means Gaston's dead. I'm not sure whether that makes me happy or sad. Probably more like neutral. I didn't really care for his pompous, arrogant self.

After rewinding the tape once again, I start paying close attention to the tributes, taking notes on some of the ones that stick in my mind. Here they are: (A/N italics are what he thinks while writing the notes)

District 2

Hans (last name unknown)-A tall, well-built man with red hair and sideburns. 19 years old. A wicked gleam in his eyes tells me that he'll betray anyone to win. He looks vaguely familiar, but I can't place it.

Astrid (last name unknown)-Regular sized, with blonde hair. 16 years old. Don't mess with her. She looks tough.

District 3

Merida DunBroch-Average sized, with fluffy red hair and a fierce, determined look in her eyes. Has a Scottish accent. 16 years old. She'll probably do almost anything to get home.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the 3rd-Scrawny weakling. He's wayy too short for his age. Wears an oversized helmet. 16 years old. I can kill him in five minutes. Though I don't really want to kill anyone.

District 5


Jack Frost-Tall, well-built, shaggy white hair, green eyes. Always has a stick with him. 322-wait, what? They must've gotten that wrong. He looks 17-years old.

District 11

Rapunzel Corona-Medium heighth, pretty, green eyes, loooooooong blonde hair. 15 years old. I could probably snag her hair on something to get her stuck. Then kill her.

Flynn Rider-Tall, goatee, slicked back hair, confident look. #Swag is his motto. 17 years old. I might be able to take him down. It all depends.

District 12

Elsa Arendelle-Tall, platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Looks thin and starved, with hollow places around her eyes. I know the feeling. I have to feed a family of 12. My mother (she's eating for two. Her baby will be due soon), father (he's paralyzed from the waist down) , grandpa, grandma, papa, nana, great-grandma, Owen (my blind 23-year-old brother), 3 cousins and 1 aunt. Like I said, I know the feeling. She also looks vaguely familiar.

Anna Arendelle-Medium height, ginger hair, attractive-where'd that come from?-sweet looking, and cried when her name was called. She looks extrememly familiar, like I've known her before. Like we had a past together. I want to meet this 'Anna Arendelle'.


Walking toward the TV room, I wonder at the slim possibility that I might actually survive. If I get good allies, and lots of sponsors, I just might make it! Unlike-I sniff-Olaf. He was so sweet! His ideas put a whole new spin on things. Making the Capitol mad? That would be awesome.

"Ouch!" I grimace at the pain in my right ankle. When the Peacekeeper threw me inside the Tribute Building, I'd landed on my ankle. I think I twisted it. And, considering I would be in the Games in less than a week, (five days) I needed it. Badly.


Clip-clop. Clip-clop. That was coming from the hallway. Egad, (A/N lol) was I not supposed to be in here? I quickly looked around for a place to hide.

Clip-clop. Clip-clop.


Walking unsteadily on my wounded ankle,-it had been a long day-I made my way to the TV room. I was almost there...


The couch! I dove under it, squeezing my eyes shut.


What was that?


"Ouch!" I'd tripped, falling on my butt, courtesy of my stupid twisted ankle! I started to call for help, but stopped when the door cracked open.



(A/N sorry to keep changing the POV's but it's necessary. I won't do it as much after this.

I peeked through the door, taking in the sight of the tribute from 12-Anna?-laying on the floor. Her mouth was set in a firm line, and it was obvious she was in pain. I looked around while considering my options. I could help her up and possibly gain an ally, or I could leave her like this. Surely the second would get her killed in the Games. After all, if you're wounded, that's an extreme drawback, especially if you can't walk. I couldn't decide. But she decided for both of us.

"Hello?" Her hand groped around, reaching for something. I placed my cool, rough, calloused hand into her smooth, moist one. I would help her.

How'd you like it? A little Kristanna romance, hmm? Not much, but that's okay. There's more to come!

Question: What's your favorite ship?

Answer: SNOWING! Or Captain Swan. Or Rumbelle! Oh, wait. It's Disney, isn't it? Not Once Upon A Time? Well then, probably Kristanna.

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