Chapter 8

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Before I get started, I just wanna let you people know that I cherish each and evey one of you. No matter how many reads this book gets, (probably close to 5) or however many followers I get (most likely even less ;) I will never forget you awesome people who read my book!!!

Thank you. I know you're probably itching to read the story now, so here it is!


As the train roared along toward the Capitol, I decided I would do whatever it took to win. I would come home to my sister, alive. I couldn't leave her like this. My mother loves Sunny, but losing me, after losing my father, would tear her apart. She would die of grief, leaving Sunny to fend for herself, which I knew she couldn't do.

So I would win. I would win for my mother. I would win for Sunny. And I woukd win for myself.


"Now, though most people- excuse me, all people- think that killing the tributes will make them win. And, it will. But inside they will always have a hole in their heart, haunted by the fact that they killed someone. Well, I have a solution." My funny little mentor leaned closer, his icy breath smelling of Wintergreen Altoids. He looked around, apparently afraid someone might hear him. "And it'll make the Capitol mad."

I giggled, making him smile. His dark brown arms- almost the color of the trees in the forest- were a stark contrast to his snow- white skin and white suit. "I would love to make the Capitol mad."

"Good," he whispered conspirationally. "Now-"

The other tribute burst in, her platinum blonde hair flying behind her. "Mentor!" she gasped. "I need your help. How can I win the Games?" She cocked her head. "And, forgive me for asking, but why do you have that crazy skin color? Brown on your arms and white on the rest?"

Our mentor looks down and sighs. "I can tell you few things, Elsa. All that I can tell you is this; you don't need to know for the moment about my skin color, and my name is Olaf. Olaf Snowflurry."


Why won't he tell me about his skin color? I think nervously. Oh well. It's none of my business. I follow Olaf to his quarters to talk about how to win. He sits down, his precious few hairs on his head sticking up like twigs. Three little twigs.

"Elsa, I understand you want to win. You want to go home, to your family, to your sister." I nod, surprised he knew all that. He continues. "But, what if you and Anna were to do something no one has ever done before? What if you-" he was interrupted by a frantic knock at the door. "Come in!"

A Peacekeeper came in, backed by two more carrying guns. "Put your hands in the air, Olaf." The man said. "You're under arrest."

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