Chapter 7

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Our mentor sat across from us, her short brown hair and large green eyes seeming to see straight through me. Flynn glanced my way, seeming unfazed by our mentor's staring.

"Hello," she said. I jumped, startled. The woman hadn't talked since we were spirited away in the train, and even then she only told me to get dressed and say goodbye. A tear dripped down my cheek as I remembered. My mother had held me tight, and, wishing me luck, let go. But I had held on, screaming for her stay, to keep me safe, to not abandon me to Dictator Gothel. She had tried to pry me off, tried to tell me to stop, that she loved me, that I would be safe.

But yet I still held on.

At least until a Peacekeeper held a gun to her head and told me if I didn't let go, she would die.

So I let go. I expected never to see her again, and tried to comfort myself by remembering the sound of her musical voice and big, strong arms that held me when I was scared. But the reason I had been surprised when our mentor talked, the reason I had been reminded of my mother:

Was because her voice sounded exactly like my mom's.


The girl that sat next to me was beautiful. Her long, blonde hair and big green eyes combined made her look like a model, without the makeup. But, I chastised myself, now was not the time to pursue a worthless crush. Before long, she, or me, or both, would be dead, and then what would I do?

I needed to train. I was pretty good with theivery, so maybe I could do something with that, but I would need to go on the offense at some point.

I decided to try knives. Why not?


I reeled back, filled with confusion and wonder. Why was my mom here? I'd never heard about her winning the Games!

I decided to ask. "Who are you?"

"I am Kween Korronah," she said with a slightly Russian accent, rolling the R's. Well, that settled it. First off, my mother was NOT Russian, and her name wasn't... well.... whatever Kween had said.

Her name was Queen Corona.

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