Chapter 17

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A/N Okay, so I'm changing it. The axe didn't hurtle toward his brain, it hurtled toward his leg. Okay? Great.



"Oh, look," I laugh, pointing to the boy who dared challenge us. "He's been impaled."

Astrid giggles. "Yeah, he has. That leg is gonna hurt for a while. Especially since he's not dead. Wanna kill him now?"

I frown, mock pouting. "And put him out of his misery? Wouldn't think of it." I wait for Astrid to catch on. Then she grins. "We now have a prisoner."

Slinging 'Jack' over my shoulder like he did with escape girl, we walk along, whistling. Eventually Astrid turns to me. "What about Hiccup and Merida?"


She looks at me. "Y'know, the other Careers? The brave one and the geeky one?"

"Yeah, well," I focus on the ground in front of me, refusing to look at Astrid. I know she'd taken a fancy to the boy--Hiccup--not that she would ever admit it, and hadn't wanted to leave him behind. "The girl was hurt, and would've just slowed us down, and the boy, well, the boy, he was weak and couldn't fight. Besides, we have each other," I finish, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

Astrid looks stricken. Oh, no. I thought we were officially a couple..? But she isn't looking at me. She's looking at 'Jack'. "What is it, my loveydovey?"

She glares at me. "You know I hate that nickname," she states, her eyes wandering back to our temperary prisoner. "He's waking up."


After running as far away from the Careers as I could--at least I think that's who they were--I stop to think. All I remember is being about to knock out the boy with the white hair, and him turning around and slinging me over his shoulder so hard that I was knocked unconscious. Next thing I knew, I was tosses into a bush with an auburn haired boy and a girl with a weird helmet with horns. So, I naturally did the only thing I was really good at--I ran.

And now, I was in the middle of nowhere with only a small frying pan and an empty backpack.

Oh, joy.


Wandering aimlessly around the sandy desert was no fun at all. I didn't know where I was, where my district partner Rapunzel was--not that it mattered, but still--and where anyone else was. I assumed they were all over to the left of the Cornacopia--behind the shimmering heat mirage--which is why I was 'wandering aimlessly through the desert'--to avoid the others.

As I debate whether to see if I can scrounge anything left behind at the Cornacopia, a small figure in the distance grabs my attention. Running towards it without a second thought, I grab her and hoist her to her feet. She coughs, turning towards me, her bright blue eyes piercing mine.

For some reason I feel cold, and it's OBVIOUSLY not the 1 million degree desert. Looking down at the small, pale figure, I see her name.


Okay, so how'd you like it? Sorry it's so short, but I'm trying to make up for it by making the chapter more exciting!

(oh, and SPOILER ALERT, let's just say that the Capitol is getting mad that no one's died yet and the people picled were all 12 or older. Just sayin'!)

Until next time,


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