Chapter 12

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I feel like a complete dork. In honor of our district, Rapunzel and I have been made to look like... drum roll please... Giant apples!

Oh, Punzie looks fine. Great, actually. She's in a shimmery red dress that reflects light. She also has on dark red blush, crimson lipstick, and slightly yellow eyeshadow. I, on the other hand, am in a puffy red suit with green-dyed hair. My beautiful hair, ruined!

Apparently Rapunzel's stylist is MUCH better than mine. Her stylist is named Cinderella, while mine is called "The Frog Prince". Not sure why. It's his nickname, I guess. Anyway, Froggy over here has outrageously ugly ideas, while Ellie finds beauty in the plain, simple elegance of things.

Unless I convince my stylist to change his mind, I'm gonna look like a wimp.


Twirling in my forest-green dress, I thank my stylist for making me the perfect outfit.

"You're quite welcome, dear. You know I always love to help out." Snow White beams at me. "Now, go on. Show the world what you're made of!"

I grin. Oh, I will. "Thank ya for yer help."

"You're welcome. Good luck!"


My stylist doesn't know what to do with me. "A little here, and a little there, and-perfect!" He looks me up and down. "No, no. Not perfect. I'll have to start over. Give me a few minutes."

This has been going on for quite a while. "Where do I go?"

He looks up, his mustache grazing his nose. "I do not know. You pick." I don't care. I'll just watch Egòr. I say as much to him. He looks at me, shaking his head. "No, no. You must do something important!" Ugh. Fine. I guess I'll just go "socialize" with the other tributes who aren't getting makeovers. Not that there are any.


Apparently, the "Heart Queen" (I don't know why she's called that) was my new stylist. But she actually did a decent job. Since we had fire in our district, she gave me a bright yellow, silky dress with orange and red paper-machè on it. Elsa looks like... I'm not sure, actually. Probably liek

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