Chapter 15

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Hello, my Unicorn Puffs!


My feet pounding the forest floor, I grip the unconcious girl's body tightly with my good hand, the one not holding the staff. I suppose I could set her down, raid her, and run off,--or even kill her--but I feel a soft spot for the girl. Speaking of which, I should probably learn her name. A quick glance at her Games suit shows me she was christened Rapunzel. Rapunzel. What a unique and different name, a sharp contrast to my plain and boring one--Jack.

"Look! There's one over here!" The shouts of bloodthirsty Careers fill my ears, and I mentally debate what to do. Do I drop the girl and scamper up a tree, or take my chances with the tributes? Or--now, here's and idea--I could ambush them with my blowgun. I'd never tried it before, but it couldn't be that hard, right?

Ducking behind a bush with Rapunzel--still out cold, by the way--I held the long stick to my lips as they came into view.

The first Career was a tall, well-built teenager with auburn hair, who seemed to be the leader as he barked out orders to his "crew". Following him were two females, one with bright, curly hair matching his, and one with blonde--almost white--hair in an attractive side braid. Last--and maybe least--was the small, geeky boy from District 3 called Hiccup. He looked around nervously, probably feeling out of place among all the "cool kids". Well, I hate to say it, but I was about to break up their little band.

I take a deep breath, then blow.


After running far away from the Cornacopia, I grab a hanging vine and swing up a tree. All I have is a small canteen, but maybe it'll hold me off for a little while.

Looking around from my high perch on the tree, I can just make out the tall, handsome figure of--I caught my breath. Kristoff. He was so strong, so funny, so... cute? I chastised myself for even thinking about my secret crush on him. I knew he would never feel the same way, but still...

He cautiously took a few steps forward, looking around. Oops! I mentally face-palmed. How could I have forgotten? After he'd helped me up from the floor, we'd agreed to be allies and had decided to run five minutes north from our elevator in the Games, and then I'd bird-call for him.

"Twee-twee-tweeeeeee." Kristoff whirled to face me, his face aglow with relief--and, perhaps even... happiness? No, of course not. Even if he was happy, it was probably only because he had an ally.


The aim of the dart was straight and true--straight into a small bush, that is. The Careers were suddenly on high alert, going from lazily talking amongst themselves to picking up their weapons and silently prowling around the clearing. Hiccup looked like all he wanted to do was retreat, but neverless held up his large crossbow with shaking hands.

Aiming the blowgun once again, I pointed it at the redheaded girl--I glanced at her suit--Merida. She seemed to be pretty determined to win, which was obviously not going to happen, because I was gonna make it out alive. Me.

I line it up a little below her heart, take in LOTS of air through my nose, and let it out via my 'piehole'.

This time, it hits its target.


With Kristoff running towards me, I hop out of the tree and dash to him, asking if he's got anything useful.

"What? You won't even say 'Hi'?" He fake pouts, hands on his hips and his bottom lip pooched out.

I laugh. "Hi. Now, what did you get?"

Kristoff frowns slightly, crossing his arms. "Just this." He holds out a small object, about four centimeters in diameter. I gasp, grasping a nearby tree limb to keep from falling.

It's an apple. A small, crispy, bright red apple that looks almost... magical. And that's not even the strange part.

It's glowing.


A little below her heart actually, but who's counting? I'm already hightailing it out of there, Rapunzel slung over my shoulder like usual, her tightly held frying pan bumping against my chest. I hear the angry footsteps of pursuers behind me, and brave a glance to see who it is. The side braid girl and the leader are on my tail, and I know I haven't got much longer to live. But I can prolong my life by dropping the girl. After all, I tell myself, she'll get killed sooner or later, and she was going to kill me anyway at the Cornacopia.

Tossing her in the bushes, I dash away, leaving her to her fate.

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