Chapter 1 : Finding me

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As I hid behind the wall away from the guard that was patrolling the border I smiled to my self. Not only was I breaking the rules, potentially putting myself in danger of being imprisoned for up to 25 yrs not to mention exposing myself to the very atmosphere that led to this unfortunate situation. But I had to know, I had to see it.

My research showed that the lab where Ephilum escaped from was on the other side of this fence. The government had quarantined the area soon after no one was allowed in or you would risk getting sniped.

The last light of day disappeared behind the hills. I stealthily moved along the ground being careful not to be seen I took out some garden clippers from my backpack and carefully snipped the wire and carefully wiggled my way through.

When I made it to the other side, I could have jumped. 'This should go down in history' I thought smiling to my self 'the first man to cross the border'. My triumph wad short lived as I had to duck to the ground as the search light from the tower ran right along wear I was standing.

I crawled on my stomach just out of the search lights reach. Then I started walking. Ten minutes passed and I could see the the building in a distance. When I got to it I could could see half of it was burnt down though it still stood 5 stories high. I took out the security code ls that I had stolen from my dad's private file in his office. 'Secret my ass' I thought as I punched them in, the door opened

"Well it still works" I took out my beam light and started to walk along the halls. I kept remembering what we learned happened here. The virus Ephilum was said to have escaped in the atmosphere. They said it was an accident. Two days later all the females in the area soon started to get sick. When the country couldn't treat it, Many were transported to different countries in hope that it would get better. Scientist tried to developed a cure for Ephilum but the disease. Just got worst, spreading in different countries and after 6 month the entire female species was wiped out.

I continued to search along the hall ways opening doors. There was nothing but broken glasses and debris, badly weathered and burnt paper scattered all over the place. A switch on the lights and the room lit up. 'At least these still work' I thought. If there was anything here its long gone by now' I thought.

"I don't even know what I'm looking for" I said to myself

I had roamed all the floors of the building and was making my way to the last when I head a humming noise, it sounded like a refrigerator! 'What the hell' I thought as a followed the sound to the end of a hall way where I found a door. Leaning my head against it, I confirmed that's where the sound was coming from. 'Must be one those old walk in freezers' I thought.

I turned the lock, it clicked but didn't open.

'Must be something behind it'

I pushed against it hard and the door finally have way and I fumbled in landing on something hard and cold. I turned my beam light on it.

"Oh my god!" I whispered, laying there in front of me was a body.

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