speaking of the devil!

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Of all the people to show up at my door step it had to be Greg!

"hi Isa..how've you been?"

And all I could do was stare!

If you knew Greg you'll understand why Stella is worried about me.

he's hot, not just your average school boy hot but bad boy super model hot

he has black hair,cropped, nice abs and an intimidating look.

He was wearing a black vest and a red button up shirt with short sleeves but he didn't do any of the buttons which left his chest in the tight vest visible with no need for imagination as to what was under.

When I looked down I remembered why it was so easy to dump him, he was wearing blue jeans which was intentionally 1 size bigger so it would sag loosely around his waist the belt was kept that way too but the head was the shape of a power bike.

and he wore lace up sneaks that weren't laced...oh brother!

"Hi Greg, I've been good."

I said and without giving him time to say anything I added.

"Could we do this some other time am really busy now"

And I shut the door before he could reply!

Stella came out of the kitchen.

"Rude much?"

"No but he deserved it..did you see what he was wearing?"

She smirked and said

"Would you rather he come over naked"

The things that run through her head its curious how she can stay focused and get good grades in science class when I can't tell the difference between sodium fluoride and sodium sulphate!

"No creep, but he know how I feel about sagging!"

I didn't give her time to answer me before I stormed off to the kitchen.

My breakfast was ready and while I was eating and reading my current horror novel my thoughts were drifting towards him.

Its funny how you see a person and you just know they are the one.

I remembered how i just saw him in the magazine and I was mesmerized, he wasn't looking like a God or a super model.

He just looked like the boy next door who went to night clubs with his friends, drank and still drove them home.

The kind of guy who was on the football team but wrote love poems and stuck them on the hallway.

The guy who wasn't afraid to cry when he was hurt so people won't think he was pathetic.

The guy who didn't hide his feelings just to be popular.

And yet he was.

He was my dream!

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