Chapter 14: Neverending Pain

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Salem coughed as he slowly opened his eyes. When he did, he saw he was laying on his stomach on the ground. When he looked at his hands, he saw he was back in his temporary form with his signature dark flames around his body. When he looked to his side, he gasped a little seeing that Mario was laying on his back, but his body was covered in bruises and scratches. How did he become so hurt? When Salem looked up, they noticed trees were around them. They must've fallen into these woods...and Mario didn't have a very safe landing.

"How long have I been out?" Salem grunted as he sat on his knees, and slowly stood up. He walked over to Mario and he knelt down beside him. He put two fingers to his neck to check for a pulse. To his relief, he felt one...but it felt faint, and his breathing was shallow.

"Never knew nature could be so violent.." Salem said as he rolled his eyes. He looked back towards the path behind him, and he looked back at Mario. What should he do?

If Salem left Mario, that would cause him to possibly die out here, and even if Salem tried, he would just fade back into him. And Salem knows that without a vessel...he wouldn't be able to survive. For all he knows, Lucian would cry if he got lost or died right in front of him. The connection him and Lucian shared...was a very bright one.

Out of all the people in the world...why would they assign Mario and Luigi as their next vessels? Their organization is strict, but at the same time, they knew what they were doing...and they were very serious about their choices. Salem put his hand on his chest as he felt a strange feeling towards it. But how can that be? He thought without a heart he wouldn't be able to feel anything. He thought that would make him feel invincible. But why doesn't that make him feel...whole? Complete?

He thought Mario would give him that...but why doesn't it feel right? Why doesn't it give him...what he wants to feel? Why doesn't it make him feel at ease? Nevertheless, Salem sighed as he put his hand on Mario's chest as he closed his eyes.

"...Heal." Faint green sparks shrouded Mario's body for a moment, and it let out a huge white flower, and petals over him as all of the bruises on his body disappeared, and his breathing became normal, and he had a peaceful expression on his face. Salem looked down at his hand.

"...Why am I even helping you?" He asked. "You give me what I wanted...but why...why doesn't it make me feel...complete?"

"Mario! Where are you?!"

Salem snickered as he smirked a little as he shook his head hearing the voice calling out to the unconscious plumber.

"Looks like he's coming for you." He said as he stood up. He picked Mario up in his arms, and he gently laid him against one of the trees. Salem then knelt down in front of him, and closed his eyes.

"...See you in the darkness." Salem disappeared in darkness as he slowly faded into Mario's body. Right as the process finished, Mario gasped as he snapped his eyes open, and he looked around at his surroundings. He put his hand on his chest as he closed his eyes.

"Salem..." He muttered to himself. He opened his eyes again, and he saw Luigi was a few feet away looking around for him.

"Luigi! I'm over here!" He said as he began to stood up. Luigi heard this, and he looked over to his direction. He gasped a little as he ran over to him.

"Mario! Are you okay?!" He asked concerned as Mario stood up straight.

"Yes. I'm fine." He assured. "How did you find me?"

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