The Hole.

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There's this deep, dark, black hole.

No one knows where it came from but everyone of us has one.

Some of us fall into this deep hole

And can't find away out.

No matter how loud we yell,

Or how hard we try

We can't escape.

Then someone finally hears us

And they start throwing dirt

You yell at them to stop

That if they keep it up you'll die

But they don't stop and you realize

That as you've climbed on that dirt

You have gotten closer to the top

Finally you reach the opening

And standing there is the person who saved you.

And as you look back,

You swear you will never go back to that place.

And then happily, you walk away

Starting a new life.

Hey guys, it's been awhile since I last posted. Anyway, this poem/story is dedicated to my extremely good friend John. He has helped me heal a little at a time and it will be awhile before I'm completely ok, but I'm sure with his and my family's help I will be better. John, I know you will probably never read this, but I want to say how thankful I am to have you. Many nights I'd pick up a blade and right as I was going to cut I would see your name on my phone. I've put the blade up for now. I can't promise I won't ever think of it again, but i can promise I won't hurt myself. Or you for that matter. You are much more of an amazing person than you give yourself credit for. I wish you could see what I see. Then you would understand why I think of you as a great guy to have in my life. John, I really do care about you and I hope, no I pray, that we will be friends forever. I love you John, and it's not like a "crush" love, it's a between two friends who do care about each other. I hope you have a good time at college. Alright enought about him lol. Tell me about yourselves. Tell me your dreams and fears. Tell me what you want in life. I don't care what you tell me, just communicate with me. I love you my angels.

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