Dusty Mirror

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This damn mirror shows me my flaws

People say you can't see beauty through dust

But this dusty mirror is what shows me beauty

Beauty is skin deep

But perfection is deeper.

That's what I say

Smokey rooms are all I've ever know

My mom was a bartender

My dad left when I was young

The images come back so clearly

The gun being brought out

My mum standing in front of me


The gun is fired and my mum pushes me out of the way

The mirror shatters

The pieces rain down upon me like acid.

I see spots of red.

What's going on?

Mum! I yell

Mum, where are you?

I sit up

Damn you cursed smokey room!

Damn you stranger who took my family away

But most if all Damn you God!

I'm jolted back to the present

Back to looking at that dusty mirror

I decide that mirror has to go

I pick up the mirror

I take a piece out

This mirror was a part of me

But no longer will it hold me captive!

Today that dusty mirror will leave me

And it will take my mum with

The past is meant to stay in the past

So out with that damn mirror

Out with the old me

With one last look

I slip out of the door

Just as the dusty mirror beckons for me again

Goodbye mum,

Goodbye past, but mostly

Goodbye dusty mirror

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