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Chapter Sixty-Six: War

Most of Sesshomaru's Subjects didn't accept the explanation that Kiyoshi gave them. In fact they believed it far from the truth, they believed that the Miko Kagome was to blame. Kiyoshi continued to guard her, but this time it was to keep her alive not to keep her from running.

"It's all according to plan," Kagome said her weary eyes gazing out the window over Sesshomaru's lifeless body.

"Plan!?" Kiyoshi laughed, "they want to kill you."

"Why do people fight?" Kagome asked suddenly "There are many reasons, for power, for love, but for Sesshomaru's people they must fight for Vengeance."

Words: 100

Prompt: Accept

Chapter Sixty-Seven: Dungeon Living

"Are you sure about this?" Kiyoshi asked as her escorted her through the dark hall.

"Of course," she said with a small smile "Now you remember what to say right?"

"Yes," he replied softly.

Finally they made it to their destination the dungeons, quietly he opened the cell door and stood aside, allowing Kagome to enter.

"Please," she said softly as he closed and locked the door "Tell Rin not to worry, everything will be alright."

Kagome's affection for the young human was not missed by Kiyoshi and he swore to tell her. Then he headed back down the hall.

Words: 100

Prompt: Affection

Chapter Sixty-Eight: The Army

"Everyone," Kiyoshi began "It has just been brought to my Knowledge that the Miko Kagome has been planning an attack on the castle. Her army is suppose to arrive by the night of the tide."

"Now we have already doubled our guard but we need your strength as well. The Miko is taken care of for now, but she must stay alive otherwise we won't know how to defeat her army."

"Thank you," Kiyoshi finally said, as he left the hall.

He searched for Rin to let her know but was unsuccessful, he couldn't even find Atsushi, where were they?

Words: 100

Prompt: Double

Chapter Sixty-Nine: Prepping For War

She stared long into the small pool of water, before lifting her head up. The Subjects stared at her, questioning, and hating. The Miko was unable to reconnect with the Three bandits, No matter what she tried. She finally looked at Kiyoshi.

"I must ask you a favor," she said softly.

Kiyoshi eyed her for a few moments then walked closer.

"Please, let me see Sesshomaru."

Kiyoshi almost laughed, then stopped at the seriousness on Kagome's Face.

"Alright," he said "but getting there won't be easy."

With that they headed to Sesshomaru's resting place, Subjects throwing food as they left.

Words: 100

Prompt: Pool

Chapter Seventy: Reconnection

Kagome gently lowered her head till their foreheads touched, she hoped that this would help connect her to the outside. She closed her eyes and willed herself back to that place where the smell of burning flesh singed her nose and the pile of corpses made her skin crawl. The wind blew across her cheek softly, and she opened her eyes. The face of the familiar Demon stared directly at her, a smile curving on his lips.

"So," he glanced at the smallest member, "It's time."

His companion raked his hand through his fiery hair and laughed before saying 'Good.'

Words: 100

Prompt: Pile

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