Chapter 20: the story of our relationship told by yours truly

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I sat with all the Holland's in what felt like the pit of Hell. Thanks to Harry I was forced into a situation of certainly not my desire.

Everyone was looking at me waiting for what I'd say next, I'm sure they're all expecting some big love story though I'm not sure I can deliver. But in times of hardship you must always prevail and that's what I did.

"Well Harry and I are best friends as I'm sure you all know," I take a pause my mind racing to think of what to say next, though Mrs. Holland is already wrapped up in the story.

"And uh one day I was sad, so Harry being my best mate was there to comfort me he uh held me in his arms and well in the mist of tears I uh kissed him," I say very, very awkwardly and I can't stress this enough but super awkwardly.

"That's not true I caught you guys kissing before that," Paddy exclaims on the other side of that table.

Unlucky for Tom this seemed to trigger some not so fond memories. Though recalling that wasn't to fond for me either.

"That, that was a mistake!" I burst,"I mean at the time it was a mistake but our first real kiss was when he helped me because I was upset."

"Say Y/n what exactly were you so upset about," Tom grimaces.

I hope that shit head knows I can expose both of our asses but alas now I need to think of a fast excuse and Tom definitely knows lying is not my strong suit.

"I was on my period," I say with instant regret, even Harry grew a confused look on his face. Though Tom couldn't seem to wipe his smile off his face. But I guess it's nice seeing Tom's smile after so long.

"Ew," Sam utters.

"Right anyway after I had invited Harry to my house he said he's liked me for a while then asked me to be his girlfriend to which I of course said yes, so uh that's the story," I finish with a sympathetic smile on my face.

I my face flushed with embarrassment, God that was so unbelievably stupid.
Though luckily for me Harry's always there to cover my ass.

"That's right," Harry says before giving me a quick kiss.

That sure made the smile on Tom's face disappear.

"Oh this is amazing hold on let me get my camera," Nikki hollers jumping from her chair and racing to get her camera.

She comes back with her DSLR and takes a few pictures of the "happy couple" though every few snaps I'd cringe a little.

"Oh kiss for this one," she exclaims to which Harry reaches forward and cups the side of my cheek with his hand.

He then leaned in but instead to a small kiss for the camera he decided he wanted to go full frontal almost as if he could prove a point of us actually dating. Hell he was sticking his tongue down my throat. Though as he did so I could hear a chair shuffle from the floor and a few angry steps up the stairs and I think I know who it was. I pushed Harry off of me and gave him a look of discomfort.

"Oh wonderful you guys are so cute," Mrs. Holland says aloud.

"Is that what we're calling that," Sam quips.

"Uh I think it's time for me to go home," I say getting up from my seat and saying my good byes to all of them.

"Let me call Tom back down here," Mr. Holland insists.

"No it's alright," I insist.

After saying my last good bye Harry walked me out side. As soon as the door shut behind us I had to ask.

"What was that kiss?"

"What do you mean," Harry asks.

"Were you trying to have a full make out session in front of your parents,"

"It wasn't like that it's just I had told Tom and Sam before hand but they both thought that it wasn't anything serious, like it was just a fling, I wanted to prove to them that we're a real couple," Harry explains.

Though I couldn't help but feel sick to the stomach, maybe this relationship isn't a good idea. I mean I love Harry but I don't think it's the love you have in a relationship. Which sucks because I think the boy is starting to fall on his own. If I'm still stuck on Tom I shouldn't be with Harry, but Tom would never love me and maybe Harry would.

"Harry why does it matter if they believe you," I ask.

"Because how can I say I'm in love with you if they think the relationship is fake," he says out of what looked like sheer panic.

And there goes love to just fuck everything up. He didn't mean he loved me, loved me did he?

"Do you, love me?" I ask hoping for the ladder.

I mean we just started dating it's got to be impossible to decide you love someone that quickly. Though I suppose we've known each other for years. But still love? That's quite impossible.

"Y/n I love you," he states.

There it was "I love you" in that moment my fight or flight urges kicked in. On one hand I could tell him I loved him too, after all it's not completely wrong I do love him just not in the same way. Saying I love you will finally get myself wrapped around the fact that Tom and I are no more, that I've truly moved on. But still I don't know a part of me hopes that if I say it now it'll trick myself into truly loving him but God does that sound senile.

Though as my brain bounced on the walls inside my head to find some sort of answer for him Harry seems to cut all ideas off as he places his lips on mine. He pulls away slowly but I don't want him to, Harry's kisses have been getting better everyday so I go back in.

At least one of the most awkward nights of my life can end with one of the nicest kisses of my life.

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