Chapter 2: A new meeting place

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We were mid way to walking to my house but an idea came to my head that I had totally forgot about. A few day's ago on a run through the parks forest, there was this small hut made from logs and sticks, it be one of the coolest hang out spots and I knew I had to show Harry.

"Harry c'mon," I plead.

"Y/N you really should be going home," Harry says, he is usually the responsible one between us.

"C'mon or I'll drag you myself," I plead once more.

"Y/N no, it's already getting dark,"

I grabbed his hand and started to pull him towards the direction of the park, it only took a few seconds until I realized I'm holding his hand. After all the times I've imagined us together, I didn't think I'd ever hold his hand. We don't usually do that sort of thing anyway, I mean we're best friends not life partners.

We kept walking until we reached the park, forty steps straight then take a right then 26 steps, I thought. As we entered the forest I began to count aloud our steps as we walked.

"One...Two....Three," I began.

"Y/N what're you doing," Harry laughed.

I kept counting until we took the right,"One...Two...Three," I went on again.

"You sound crazy," Harry teased though I had to try my best to block him out so I could focus on my steps.

I could hear all the stupid jokes he was making, though I suppose I did seem pretty stupid.

We finally reached the hut,"See," I exclaimed as I pointed to it.

It was around 5 feet tall, some guy got these long fallen logs and built it so that It be steady and stay up.

"Whoa this place is awesome," Harry said as he was the one to pull me inside. The both of us crouching a little so we don't bang out head at the top.

We both took a seat inside our hands still interlocked, kinda weird that he hasn't let go yet but I don't mind.

"You don't regret coming here now do you," I say slyly, trying to rub it in his face that I was right.

"Fine, I will admit, this is pretty cool,"

"Ya it is," I sigh as I lean back against the bare tree bark.

"Doesn't top the tree we hang out in at my place though,"

"Ya but this is a close second,"

I take a deep breath and take in everything around me, then again a small smile seems to escape my lips, I look over to Harry and he has one too.

"I could get some amazing shots here,"

"So do it,"

"I didn't bring my camera,"

"No, but you did bring your iPhone,"

I let go of Harry's hand and pulled my phone out of my back pocket,"And if not, we can always use mine," I add.

Harry stands and takes the camera from me,"How about you model for the picture."

"Isn't that what Harrison is for," I joke. Tom's best mate Harrison is always modelling for Harry's photography shoots, Harrisons been featured countless times on his instagram.

"Ya well you look better than Harrison, c'mon Y/L/N get in there,"

I went and did a few poses for Harry to capture. The both of us laughing the entire time, we were always such dorks but we liked it like that.

"I want to take the last one," I say before taking back my phone and giving Harry a light shove.

"You know I'm not the model, love," Harry says as he twiddles his thumbs. A habit he has when he's nervous.

"Oh don't be so modest, c'mon Holland,"

He get's into his best pose, which is his thumbs in the front pocket of his jeans, a small lean to the side, tilt of the neck and a goofy smirk. I couldn't help but laugh as I took the picture.

After our mini photo shoot Harry did walk me home, tomorrow I was gonna go over there again and we were gonna hang out in the tree, our tree. But for now I was just in bed looking up at the ceiling of my humble room, thinking about...everything.

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