Chapter 7: What's better the view or my kisses

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The Hollands were still at my house well into the night, Harry and I snuck away from everyone else to do our own thing and our own thing was chilling next to this tall tree in my backyard. After a long conversation about only God knows what Harry and his family had to go home. I hugged each of them good bye starting with Mr and Mrs. Holland and ending with Tom who whispered something in my ear.

"Meet me at my car tomorrow at 9 AM sharp," he said before pulling away and leaving with his family.

After cleaning the mess that was where Harry and Sam ate, I went up to go to sleep early. A weight was on me and I could barely open my eyes as soon as I hit the bed I was so ready to sleep. Yawns escaped my mouth until my mind filled with dreams. Dreams of the future, of what might this relationship be like? Could Tom really keep the paparazzi away? If Harry did find out would he really be mad? All these questions raced in my head but lucky for me I was too tired to focus on anything but sleep.

I woke up the next day anxious as to what Tom has planned for the day. I quickly changed into a pair of black tights and a hoodie, kissed my parents good bye and head to the Holland's. Tom was all ready waiting by his silver Audi. He opened the door for me and let me sit in first, didn't know he was a gentleman especially since before he left for America he used to dump buckets of water on my head. Tom hopped in the drivers seat and drove out of the neighbourhood.

"So you gonna tell me where we're going," I ask as I look at the location on his GPS. It was somewhere in the countryside though I'm not sure where it was.



Tom stayed silent and turned the radio volume higher, I guess he loves keeping everyone in suspense. I decided not to press him and instead hum lowly along to the music Tom was playing had his phone plugged in so it was all his playlist. Which meant a lot of Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, Greatest Showman soundtrack, and Led Zeppelin I mean AC/DC.

We pulled up to a cliff overlooking the main town of London.

"Depends if you like the view," Tom finally says, I look at him and smile then return my gaze back to the view. It truly was beautiful.

"It's amazing Tom," I say looking back at him who also had his gaze on the view.

I got out of the car to take some pictures of the town, Harry would love these shots I thought. Tom followed behind me.

"You know if you said we were going to a place so picturesque I would've brought my camera instead of using my shitty iPhone,"

"Didn't wanna spoil the surprise baby,"

"Yet you spoil all your movies," I joke as I laugh at Tom who's standing beside me.

"How do you know that? Do you watch my interviews?," he asks shocked.

"Of course I do, I don't know if you forgot but your family is practically my family, plus it's cool seeing all the stuff you do with the avengers,"

Tom came behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Tom tapped the button to the front facing camera so we could take a selfie, Tom wore a goofy grin on his face where I was just laughing at him. In the second picture Tom planted a kiss on my cheek that made me blush. As he pulled away I put my phone back in my pocket and grabbed his shirt to pull him back in. I laid a kiss onto his lips not holding back. Lucky for us no one was around and even if there was someone we didn't seem to care. His hands tightened around me as he pulled me in even closer to him, I was practically stepping on his shoes. But his kisses didn't stop and gosh was I thankful it didn't. Eventually though we did pull away and after a couple dozen of those breathtaking kisses I decided I wanted a couple more shots of the view.

"Hey Tom," I said as I was examining to picture on my phone. Tom was sitting at the edge of the cliff just looking out to the city.

"Yes love," he responds, I didn't know all I needed to make me feel warm inside was Tom saying love.

"Can you come here and be my model," I ask sweetly.

He gave me a playful eye roll and stood up,"I was born a model."

"Yes your movie premier pictures show that, now come on do your best pose,"

He did the iconic 'had to do it to em' pose. I took a few pictures though they looked pretty shit as I couldn't stop my hands from shaking cause' of how funny he looked.

"Now what's so funny y/n," he says as he releases a few of his own chuckles.

"You just had to do it to me huh," I laugh.

He realized what I meant and changed his pose to his infamous playing with the cuffs oh his shirt one. I shook my head.

"I don't want your Hollywood looks, c'mon give me a Tom Holland pose," I beg.

He smiled and did a goofy Spiderman position with his hand out pretending to shoot a web at me.

"Perfect,"I reply.

After a few more shots we hopped back in the car and we drove back to his house. I walked in first and went into the living room to see Harry. I talked to him for a few minutes until Tom walked in. We thought it look suspicious if we both walked in at the same time.

"Where were you this mourning," Harry asks as he's sprawled out on the couch watching "The office" though he loves the American version.

"Went for breakfast," I reply.

"ok then," he says as he sits up and puts his arm around me. I don't know if it was the sudden contact between us or the fact that the Hollands always have their AC up really high but goosebumps sprouted from my skin and covered my entire body.

"Missed you," he added.

"You do know we just saw each other yesterday right," I say with a light giggle.

"Well a little bit of me dies inside whenever I don't see you," Harry says dramatically.

"Oh shut up Harry," I say as I toss one of the pillows on the couch at him.

As the two of us are giggling with each other Tom walked in, I turned to face him laughs still leaving my mouth.

"Oh hey Tom," I say calming myself down.

His smile seemed to shrink when he spotted Harry's arm wrapped around me. He just left to go outside. I was so confused as to why he got well mad over it. It's just Harry, I peered out the window to see him shooting a few goals into his foot ball net. Did I just make Tom Holland jealous?

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