Chapter 14: Don't you like the taste of tears

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Harrison's POV

Y/N pushed past me with tears still running, she was...broken. Ask Tom she said, what did this dumb ass do this time. With Y/N and Tom's relationship I happened to get really close to her, in fact I'd say she's a close friend. It felt horrible seeing her cry like that, I walked out side to see Tom on the ground, his head in his hands. I went and sat next to him.

"What in the bloody hell did you do," I ask.

So there he went, he explained everything from the kiss to the fight, to well the break up. He was torn up about it, time for me to step up and be the well comforting best friend.

"You fucking idiot," I exclaim.

Tom looked up from his hands, now I could reasllysee how many tears were in his eyes.

"Hey what the hell man," Tom exclaims.

"You shouldn't have done what you did,"

"Why's that, if I didn't she wouldn't be able to run off with her knight in shining armour," Tom complains.

"Are you serious Tom, she was with you, if she wanted Harry she'd be with Harry and now look you went and fucked it all up, look I'm your best friend and I support you an all your decision but given the fact that was a stupid decision I don't know what you want me to do,"

"Just help me," he says his voice almost the same as y/n's the unfamiliar cracks and squeals of sadness.

All I had to do now was help him. I held him close and let his cry on my shoulder, it's weird I've never seen him so beat up especially about a girl. I remember the days Tom would text me after he's done talking to Y/n saying how great she is. He really was crazy for her and now look, everything's gone to shit when I was gone and now I'm forced to comfort my best friend who's actively choking on a million cries. I had to reassure him that everything would be ok and other sorts of cliche sayings. Let's just say we spent a while there in that back yard.

Harry's POV

After Paddy snitched about the kiss between y/n and I, I had followed Sam inside. After all he does know the huge crush I have on her. After hearing of our kiss Sam had though we finally got together though I had to tell him that, that was unfortunately not the case.

"What do you mean she pushed you off of her," Sam asks confused.

"I mean she didn't want me to kiss her," I explain painfully thinking back to that moment of embarrassment.

"Have you talked to her about it," Sam asks.

"When, did you want me to ask when we were chasing Paddy, ugh things were already awkward between us now it'll be even worse," I groan.

Y/N is my best friend, though we already hit a weird patch I mean we haven't talked weeks and now I kissed her! I mean she clearly didn't want it, I don't blame her, no one exactly wants me. But what about are friend ship? I mean what's going to happen now?

My thoughts were cut off when I heard some familiar cries, the bitter sweet sound of her sadness filled my ears as I raced downstairs to see if she was ok. There wasn't anyone more important than her at the time, I ran down the stairs to see her walk through the halls to get out of the house.

"Y/N," I say as ran beside her.

The sting of tears ran down her face, her eyes red and nose stuffy. I wrapped my arm around her engulfed her in the tightest hug I could do and waled her out. The two us sat back down on the porch steps.

"Harry," was all she could say as she hurried her face in my chest and cried.

She cried and cried, just the site of it made me watery. Of course this isn't the first time seeing her like this though it pains me just the same.

"Y/n tell me what happened, please," I say my voice shaky and with salty tears running down my cheeks.

But alas she didn't say a word, she couldn't. She just kept her face buried on my chest, she always said I gave the best hugs I'm hoping I'm able to cut it now. I squeezed her tight and told her everything was going to be ok, though I had no idea what I was assuring her on, I still had to help her.

Finally after what felt like hours of her crying against my chest she pulled away, the tears dried up and she was on the outside at least, ok. She had both her arms around my hips and I still had mine around her waist. She looked deeply into my eyes and there I went again leaning in though this time she did too. But I wasn't going to make the same mistake, so I moved my hand and caressed her damp cheek formerly soaked with tears. But instead of going in a messily kissing her mouth I went for a gentle kiss on her other cheek. But as I pulled away she vastly leaned in and kissed me passionately. Her lips soft and her kisses sweet, she had her hands in my hair roughly playing with it as I couldn't get off of her. Nevertheless we had to take a breath, the two of us pulled away as I was left breathless all she said was.

"Text me Holland,"

And she got up and left.

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