Chapter 4: Sorry, I don't kiss your brother

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"sorry I didn't mean to wake you," he says, he must've heard me.

I got up from under the covers and joined him at the table, he was just getting a cup of water.

"Couldn't sleep," I ask as he's sipping his drink.

I could barely see him, he was like a shadow, only his silhouette was shown.



Then again that silence fell between us, an awkward one this time.

"Y/n you and Harry, you guys never-," he hesitated after every word almost afraid to ask me his question. Afraid of what I'll think or maybe the answer I'd give.

"Never what," I ask softly hoping to squeeze the question out of him, much better than waiting in suspense for him to finish his thought.

"Kissed, have you?," he asks hesitant and unsure.

What an odd question to ask, I mean we already answered this at the dinner table, why would he ask again? Did he think our answer was a lie? And why the sudden fascination of mine and Harry's relationship, I'm sure who I kiss or who I don't is no ones business much less Tom's who I rarely speak to.

"No I can assure you I don't make out with your brother,"I reply disgusted, why wouldn't he believe my first answer at dinner, and why does he care in the first place? Harry said when they were teens Tom wouldn't give a shit about who Harry likes but now all of a sudden Tom seems to have a growing curiosity about it.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that," Tom tries to defend himself, though I wouldn't take pity on him because he knew exactly what he had asked.

"Then what do you mean, you must have some reason to ask such a question like that,"

To my surprise the wait to his next answer was cut off by his lips. Out of no where he began to lean in and kiss me with a passion and force like no other, electricity traveled through my veins giving me a sudden adrenaline I didn't think I had. His lips were soft and sweetened he tasted like the chocolate he was eating before bed. I was so shocked by this action it was like I froze and was unable to kiss back, at my loss of response Tom pulled away.

"S-sorry y/n, I'm sorry, I-," he began but with my sudden adrenaline I grabbed the thin fabric of his shirt and pulled him toward me imitating that same passionate kiss he started earlier.

One of his hands cupped the side of my face and the other combing my y/h/c locks. My hand was tracing his chest with my finger tips, feeling his muscles through his shirt, my other hand was deep in his soft brown hair, running my fingers through them. We both pulled away at a loss of words and breath, I had never had a kiss so strong in my life. Filled with butterflies in my stomach, lust for the one in front of me.

"Wow," Tom whispers under his breath though clearly audible for me to hear.

Do I regret this? Maybe, it was amazing but, it's Tom. Tom! My best friends brother, I can't possibly start dating him or do anything with him or Harry would freak. But gosh what I'd do for him to kiss me again.

"Um, we should probably go to bed," I say flustered and without another word I go back under the covers next to Harry. Gosh what would Harry even think of this, he'd kill me and Tom! I'm so fucked.

The next mourning I woke up to Harry's arm around me, I guess I can start to see where everyone mistakes us for a couple. Though I didn't move his arm, in fact it felt weirdly comfortable, I mean we were already snuggled up against each other, my head was practically on his chest. I don't know if it was 'cause I was beyond tired but I went and lied my head back on his chest and stayed cuddled up with him. Being next to Harry always warmed my heart, I wouldn't be able to count all the times I was able to cry on his shoulder, feel his warmth. Plus Harry really did give the best hugs, or at least I thought so. Doesn't help that yesterday I made out with his brother, gosh I'm a horrible person.

About an hour later I woke up again, this time Harry was too. Though he didn't move as he said he didn't want to wake me. I always found Harry the sweetest Holland well besides from Paddy.

"You up mate," Harry asks, as I look up him, my head still not leaving the comfort of his chest.

"Ya," I reply with a small smile. He returned it with his own small smile, for some reason I thought his smile reminded me of a turtle, stupid I know.

"Ewwww you guys didn't fuck did you," we hear Sam yell behind us, quickly the two us let go of each other.

"Shut up you Div," Harry yells at him.

Soon enough follows Tom and Paddy who must of heard all the noise.

"What are you two yelling about," Tom asks exhausted I'm sure this isn't the first time he's put an end to Sam and Harry's bickering.

"Harry and y/n were cuddling together under the sheets," Sam says as he points to the two of us.

Tom gave me a gave me a sorrowful glance,"They were?" he asked.

"No we weren't cuddling," I say.

"Exactly," Harry adds.

For a moment it seemed as if Tom was, was sad that Harry and I were "cuddling." I mean did he really think I'd be going after another Holland post kissing him. Gosh, next time I hug Sam good bye he's gonna think I'm fucking him isn't he.

I'm not fucking your brother: T.H x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now