Chapter 6: Can you keep a secret?

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I had finally finished cleaning the entire house for when the Holland's come over. Usually Harry will come early though I suppose he still wanted his time alone. A little odd though, I mean I still don't get why he stormed off in the first place? But it's fine I'm sure I can manage not seeing him until he arrives with his whole family and nonetheless the doorbell rang. I ran towards the door to greet them, my mom quick behind me as my father was just laying out some snacks in the kitchen.

I opened the door to see the whole Holland family squished on the front porch, I ushered them inside and gave them each a greeting, even though I was just at their house. By the time everyone was comfortable we split into our usual groups, we decided to eat and hang out in the back yard so the adults were on the patio while all the kids were hanging out on the grass Tom managed to be mangled by my parents curious to know about his new movie star life style. Though the rest of us standing in a circle on the grass talking about the gaggle of topics kids would, though I suppose we weren't exactly kids anymore.

"Y/n you should've been there, the premier was so cool we got to meet Robert Downey Jr.," Paddy was recalling back to the Spider-man Homecoming premier. It looked so cool, I'd love to meet the avengers I mean for gosh sake Paddy's got to see America's ass and I haven't.

"That sounds awesome, you gotta picture with him?" I ask.

"Tons," Sam adds.

Dinner was served and we were all having hamburgers and hot dogs. Harry, Sam and Paddy were off chasing each other across the lawn so I was just watching there acts of stupidity as I munched on my burger, when I spotted a boy walking towards me. Of course it wasn't just any boy, it was bloody Tom Holland. I sucked in a breath as he came and stood next to me.

"Managed to escape the parents?," I ask with a smirk.

"Just mention facebook and they get distracted like that," he says as he does a finger snapping notion.

"Tom?," I ask.

"Ya," he responds softly.

His words were always so soft spoken, his tone made him sound like the sweetest person in the world even when making insults.

"Are we gonna talk about it," I say.

Of course he knows what I'm referring to, we don't exactly talk that much. I mean what does he think I'm asking him, what colour thong do you wear under the suit? There seemed to be a long hesitation before Tom decided to say something, he must have a million alarms going on in his head.

"y/n I don't regret that kiss," he says looking down at his feet. Whenever I'm nervous I can barely face the person either. I raised out my hand and placed in under his chin, lifting his head so we were making eye contact.

"I don't regret it either," I say, lucky for us the boys were out in a game of tag far too busy to even notice Tom and I.

"I was thinking," Tom starts, nothing good ever happens when someone starts a sentence with that. "And well what if we kept kissing each other, amongst other things of course," he adds.



"Tom I can't, Harry can't find out about us,"

"Why not?,"

"Are you kidding? He'd be pissed, he'd kill you, plus something like this could lead to Harry and I losing our friendship,"

"So he won't find out,"

"How are you supposed to guarantee that, even if we didn't do anything in front of him you're literally super famous, paparazzi follows your every move,"

"So what, they won't catch us and if they do just deny all rumours, no one would suspect anything," Tom persuades me.

The whole idea of sneaking around sounds enticing, especially when it's with your best friends older brother. But all the consequences, ugh there my mind goes, back to the consequences. Now that I think of it I don't think I've let myself think of the possibilities, possibilities of Tom. The two of us holding hands walking through the park or him holding me tight as he whispers in my ear how lucky he is to have me, or us kissing in his room and Harry walks in to beat Tom's ass.

Gosh there I go again, what if he's right? What if it works? Then I'm just passing up an opportunity that thousands of fan girls dream of. Fuck it.

"Let's do it," I say as I reach out my hand. He leans in and brings his hand forward before I pull mine back.

"First rule of fight club," I say.

"Don't talk about fight club," he finishes.

I bring my hand back and shake his, him pulling me in and sneaking me an innocent kiss on the cheek.

"Shall we join everyone else my darling," he says in his charmingly addictive voice.

"We shall," I say as he escorted me towards everyone else, I quickly pulled away my hand as we got closer.

"Where were you guys," Paddy asked as he saw us, all of them were on the floor panting, restless from their vigorous game of tag.

"Just talking," I tell him.

"We could've really used you guys," Sam says.

"Guess we were busy," Tom replies.

"Busy sticking your tongues down each others throat I'm sure," Sam replies cockily, gosh I wanna smack the cheesy grin off of his stupid face.

"No, no, shut up Sam," I say nervously, I should probably work on my lying skills, even Tom gave me a look that suggests it was shit.

I'm gonna have to get used to this lying thing.

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