Chapter 19: A dinner with my boyfriends parents (and my ex)

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Here I was standing in front of my door scared to to place my hand on the door knob. Trust be told I'm a coward, a coward who's afraid to face a boy. I know I have to go but a part of me thinks that if I just keep standing there, if I keep staring into the door, if I keep waiting the situation might just leave completely.

It's probably not that big of a deal as an ex is just an ex, just like how a boy is just a boy. But I know that as soon as I walk out of the safety blanket that is my home everything's going to change. I know that when I see Tom again I won't be greeted with the soft eyes and comforting smile, nor will I receive the tight hugs and passionate kisses, to my guesses he wouldn't even look me in the eye and I'd doubt he'd even utter a word to me.

I take a deep breath as I reach to turn the knob and with a small creak I open the door. As I walked toward the Holland's I did my best to move with determination in every step but as I rang that doorbell nervousness was all that remained. My body trembled with angst as someone opened the door.

"Y/n you made it," Harry said with a smile as he brought me into a hug and ushered me inside.

I knew coming was worth it when I saw the smile Harry had on his face, no matter what happens at dinner at least I'll have Harry.

Harry brought me down the hall to the kitchen table where everyone had been seated, everyone but Tom.

I took a seat at the empty chair next to Sam and luckily Harry sat on my right, though an empty chair laid deserted on the opposing side of the table. A part of me felt uneasy knowing the man who accompanies that spot but a part of me felt a sense of relief knowing I'd have a few more spare seconds on liability Tom free. Though those second's were cut short when I saw the agonizing boy walk down the stairs and join us for dinner.

I suddenly felt the urge to twiddle with my thumbs a habit I can thank Harry for introducing me to. I refused to look into the eyes of the emotionless boy across the table and I could tell he didn't want to look at mine either. A shift in temperature arrived as soon as the boy sat down I was sure of it, uneasy lies the fact that I couldn't stare into the eyes I once thought I couldn't live without. Those dazzling eyes.

"Now that everyone's settled why don't we start," Mrs. Holland says as she ushers to the plates of food in front of everyone.

I tried my best to lay low, focus on eating. My eyes had a firm focus on the pile of peas I was enjoying, everyone could sense how awkward this dinner was so Sam decided to do the thing no one asked him to do and start a conversation.

"This is weird, say anyone have anything they wanna share to the table," Sam announces.

Great one, he really knows how to get the flow going, huh.

Just as I was about to stick a spoonful of vegetables in my mouth I felt Harry hold my hand with a firm grip.I was suspecting something was clearly on his mind as he tightened his hand very well almost trying to cut off my circulation. He then cleared his throat easing in to saying something.

"Um I actually wanted to tell you guys something tonight," Harry says.

I raised my head to look at him as he began to announce whatever he wanted to say, my attention was on Harry as was everyone else's before he began to speak.

"What is it Son?," Mr. Holland asked peering at him from the lens of his glasses.

"Y/n and I are dating," he replies with a smile.

My face reddens as the empty void inside of me fills with panic. If I know Nikki and Dom well enough I know for sure this is going to be a topic that they'll stick to for the rest of the night.

"Oh wonderful, you have to tell us how this started," Nikki's face lights up as she says to me.

Though on the other side of the table was Tom and though it was odd he didn't look mad, he didn't look angry at all actually. No, instead what filled the face of Tom was what I could only assume was sadness. I watched his knuckles turn white as he preformed a death grip against the table, I looked up to his face and the two of us shared the smallest bit of eye contact though it was eye contact all the same. I could see the overwhelming burst of emotions in his cold dead eyes as he could probably see the same from me. All wanted to do was get up to the other side of the table and hug him, have his strong arms around me as he holds me as tight as ever, as the great amount of tears I try to hold in all day just release into his chest. But I refrained instead I sat there and watched the boy I couldn't stop thinking of die a little on the inside. But then again the constant thought of not being with him causes me to die a little too.

"It's sort of a long story," I try to explain to Mrs. Holland.

Though to be completely honest it wasn't very long at all but I'd really not like to have to explain Harry and I's budding romance. I'm sure Tom wouldn't like to hear such details either.

"Nonsense we have all the time in the world," Mr. Holland insists.

I could feel my body fill with panic, I can't even tell regular stories much less a personal one. But I knew I had to so here it goes, the story of the romance between me and Harry Holland as told by a clueless girl who just wants to go.

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