Quick update

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been updating as I should be but hey, I can't control life, unfortunately.

So yeah, what I'm saying is that life happened. Many things like vacation ((I actually didn't write at all during that time which is surprising for me )), my grandma is dying, family drama, and of course my own mental health is going downhill. Plus I've gotten sick more times than I can count :/

So I took a break for a while. ((Which admittedly, didn't help at all...))

I guess you can say that my life is shitty right now lol. But since it is the season for school to start once again, that means updates won't be often, unfortunately. I hopefully am going to update this at least twice before school starts so yay!

I hope everyone has a good night or day, whenever you're reading this. Every read, comments, and votes make me smile. I love you all!

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